Bootloader Config ===================== 此示例允许您读取/刷新/清除设备上的引导加载程序。您可以通过cmd参数指定 :code:`.json` 引导加载程序配置文件,该文件将刷入设备。 演示 ************** 示例脚本输出 .. code-block:: bash ~/depthai-python/examples$ python3 Bootloader/ flash Found device with name: 14442C10D1789ACD00-ma2480 Successfully flashed bootloader configuration ~/depthai-python/examples$ python3 Bootloader/ read Found device with name: 14442C10D1789ACD00-ma2480 Current flashed configuration {'appMem': -1, 'network': {'ipv4': 0, 'ipv4Dns': 0, 'ipv4DnsAlt': 0, 'ipv4Gateway': 0, 'ipv4Mask': 0, 'ipv6': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'ipv6Dns': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'ipv6DnsAlt': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'ipv6Gateway': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'ipv6Prefix': 0, 'mac': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'staticIpv4': False, 'staticIpv6': False, 'timeoutMs': 30000}, 'usb': {'maxUsbSpeed': 3, 'pid': 63036, 'timeoutMs': 3000, 'vid': 999}} 设置 ############## 请运行 `安装依赖脚本 `__ 以下载所有必需的依赖项。请注意,此脚本必须在git上下文中运行,因此您必须先下载 `depthai-python `__ 存储库,然后再运行该脚本: .. code-block:: bash git clone cd depthai-python/examples python3 源代码 ############## 可以在 `GitHub `_ 上找到。国内用户也可以在 `gitee `_ 上找到。 .. code-block:: python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import depthai as dai import sys import json usage = False read = True clear = False path = '' if len(sys.argv) >= 2: op = sys.argv[1] if op == 'read': read = True elif op == 'flash': read = False if len(sys.argv) >= 3: path = sys.argv[2] elif op == 'clear': clear = True read = False else: usage = True else: usage = True if usage: print(f'Usage: {sys.argv[0]} [read/flash/clear] [flash: path/to/config/json]') exit(-1) (res, info) = dai.DeviceBootloader.getFirstAvailableDevice() if res: print(f'Found device with name: {}'); with dai.DeviceBootloader(info) as bl: if read: print('Current flashed configuration') print(json.dumps(bl.readConfigData())) else: success = None error = None if clear: (success, error) = bl.flashConfigClear() else: if path == '': (success, error) = bl.flashConfig(dai.DeviceBootloader.Config()) else: (success, error) = bl.flashConfigFile(path) if success: print('Successfully flashed bootloader configuration') else: print(f'Error flashing bootloader configuration: {error}') else: print('No devices found')