EncodedFrame ============ The ``EncodedFrame`` message is an output of the :ref:`VideoEncoder` node. This message is used to represent a frame that has been encoded by the VideoEncoder. It provides various properties and methods for interacting with the encoded frame data. Structure ######### The ``EncodedFrame`` class inherits from ``Buffer`` and includes several nested classes and methods for accessing and modifying frame properties. Here are the primary components of the ``EncodedFrame`` class: - ``FrameType``: Enumerates the types of frames that can be encoded (I, P, B, Unknown). - ``Profile``: Indicates the encoding profile used (AVC, HEVC, JPEG). FrameType --------- The ``FrameType`` class identifies the type of the encoded frame. The available types are: - **B**: Represents a bi-directional predicted frame. - **I**: Represents an intra-coded frame. - **P**: Represents a predicted frame. - **Unknown**: Used when the frame type cannot be determined. Profile ------- The ``Profile`` class specifies the encoding profile used for the frame. The supported profiles are: - **AVC**: H.264/AVC encoding profile. - **HEVC**: H.265/HEVC encoding profile. - **JPEG**: JPEG encoding profile. Reference ######### .. tabs:: .. tab:: Python .. autoclass:: depthai.EncodedFrame :members: :inherited-members: :noindex: .. tab:: C++ .. doxygenclass:: dai::EncodedFrame :project: depthai-core :members: :private-members: :undoc-members: .. include:: ../../includes/footer-short.rst