Script ====== Script node allows users to run **custom Python scripts on the device**. Due to the computational resource constraints, script node shouldn't be used for heavy computing (eg. image manipulation/CV), but for managing the flow of the pipeline (business logic). Example use cases would be controlling nodes like :ref:`ImageManip`, :ref:`ColorCamera`, :ref:`SpatialLocationCalculator`, decoding :ref:`NeuralNetwork` results, or interfacing with GPIOs. For **debugging scripts**, we suggest :ref:`Script node logging `. How to place it ############### .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py pipeline = dai.Pipeline() script = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script) .. code-tab:: c++ dai::Pipeline pipeline; auto script = pipeline.create(); Inputs and Outputs ################## .. code-block:: inputs[] ┌──────────────┐ outputs[] ---------►│ ├-----------► ---------►│ ├-----------► ... │ Script | ... ... │ │ ... ---------►│ ├-----------► └──────────────┘ Users can define as many inputs and outputs as they need. Inputs and outputs can be any :ref:`Message ` type. Usage ##### .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py script = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script) script.setScript(""" import time import marshal num = 123 node.warn(f"Number {num}") # Print to host x = [1, "Hello", {"Foo": "Bar"}] x_serial = marshal.dumps(x) b = Buffer(len(x_serial)) while True: time.sleep(1) b.setData(x_serial)['out'].send(b) """) script.outputs['out'].link(xout.input) # ... # After initializing the device, enable log levels device.setLogLevel(dai.LogLevel.WARN) device.setLogOutputLevel(dai.LogLevel.WARN) .. code-tab:: c++ auto script = pipeline.create(); script->setScript(R"( import time import marshal num = 123 node.warn(f"Number {num}") # Print to host x = [1, "Hello", {"Foo": "Bar"}] x_serial = marshal.dumps(x) b = Buffer(len(x_serial)) while True: time.sleep(1) b.setData(x_serial)['out'].send(b) )"); script->outputs["out"].link(xout->input); // ... // After initializing the device, enable log levels device.setLogLevel(dai::LogLevel.WARN); device.setLogOutputLevel(dai::LogLevel.WARN); Interfacing with GPIOs ###################### In the script node you can interface with GPIOs of the VPU using module GPIO. Currently supported functions are: .. code-block:: python # Module import GPIO # General GPIO.setup(gpio, dir, pud, exclusive) GPIO.release(gpio) GPIO.write(gpio, value) # Interrupts GPIO.waitInterruptEvent(gpio = -1) # blocks until any interrupt or interrupt by specified gpio is fired. Interrupts with callbacks are ignored here GPIO.hasInterruptEvent(gpio = -1) # returns whether interrupt happened on any or specified gpio. Interrupts with callbacks are ignored here GPIO.setInterrupt(gpio, edge, priority, callback = None) # adds interrupt to specified pin GPIO.clearInterrupt(gpio) # clears interrupt of specified pin # PWM GPIO.setPwm(gpio, highCount, lowCount, repeat=0) # repeat == 0 means indefinite GPIO.enablePwm(gpio, enable) # Enumerations GPIO.Direction: GPIO.IN, GPIO.OUT GPIO.State: GPIO.LOW, GPIO.HIGH GPIO.PullDownUp: GPIO.PULL_NONE, GPIO.PULL_DOWN, GPIO.PULL_UP GPIO.Edge: GPIO.RISING, GPIO.FALLING, GPIO.LEVEL_HIGH, GPIO.LEVEL_LOW Here's **an example** of toggling GPIO pin 40 inside Script node from the host (via :ref:`XLinkIn`). On `OAK-SoM-Pro `__, GPIO 40 drives FSYNC signal for both 4-lane cameras, and we have used the code below for this exact reason. .. code-block:: python import GPIO MX_PIN = 40 ret = GPIO.setup(MX_PIN, GPIO.OUT, GPIO.PULL_DOWN) toggleVal = True while True: data =['in'].get() # Wait for a message from the host computer node.warn('GPIO toggle: ' + str(toggleVal)) toggleVal = not toggleVal ret = GPIO.write(MX_PIN, toggleVal) # Toggle the GPIO Time synchronization #################### Script node has access to both device (internal) clock and also synchronized host clock. Host clock is synchronized with device clock at below 2.5ms precision at 1σ, :ref:`more information here `. .. code-block:: python import time interval = 60 ctrl = CameraControl() ctrl.setCaptureStill(True) previous = 0 while True: time.sleep(0.001) tnow_full = Clock.nowHost() # Synced clock with host # -> internal/device clock # Clock.offsetToHost() -> Offset between internal/device clock and host clock now = tnow_full.seconds if now % interval == 0 and now != previous: previous = now node.warn(f'{tnow_full}')['out'].send(ctrl) Using DepthAI :ref:`Messages ` ################################################### The depthai module is implicitly imported to the script node. You can create new depthai messages and assign data to it, for example: .. code-block:: python buf = Buffer(100) # Assign 100 bytes to the Buffer message # Create CameraControl message, set manual focus control = CameraControl() control.setManualFocus(100) imgFrame = ImgFrame(300*300*3) # Buffer with 300x300x3 bytes Available modules and libraries ############################### .. tabs:: .. tab:: **Modules** .. code-block:: "posix", "errno", "pwd", "_sre", "_codecs", "_weakref", "_functools", "_operator", "_collections", "_abc", "itertools", "atexit", "_stat", "time", "_datetime", "math", "_thread", "_io", "_symtable", "marshal", "_ast", "gc", "_warnings", "_string", "_struct" .. tab:: **Modules** for **LEON_CSS** .. code-block:: "binascii", "_random", "_socket", "_md5", "_sha1", "_sha256", "_sha512", "select", "array", "unicodedata" .. tab:: **Libraries** .. code-block:: "__main__", "_collections_abc", "_frozen_importlib", "_frozen_importlib_external", "_sitebuiltins", "abc", "codecs", "datetime", "encodings", "encodings.aliases", "encodings.ascii", "encodings.latin_1", "encodings.mbcs", "encodings.utf_8", "genericpath", "io", "os", "posixpath", "site", "stat", "threading", "types", "struct", "copyreg", "reprlib", "operator", "keyword", "heapq", "collections", "functools", "sre_constants", "sre_parse", "sre_compile", "enum", "re", "json", "json.decoder", "json.encoder", "json.scanner", "textwrap" .. tab:: **Libraries** for **LEON_CSS** .. code-block:: "http", "http.client", "http.server", "html", "mimetypes", "copy", "shutil", "fnmatch", "socketserver", "contextlib", "email", "email._encoded_words", "email._header_value_parser", "email._parseaddr", "email._policybase", "email.base64mime", "email.charset", "email.contentmanager", "email.encoders", "email.errors", "email.feedparser", "email.generator", "email.header", "email.headerregistry", "email.iterators", "email.message", "email.parser", "email.policy", "email.quoprimime", "email.utils", "string", "base64", "quopri", "random", "warnings", "bisect", "hashlib", "logging", "traceback", "linecache", "socket", "token", "tokenize", "weakref", "_weakrefset", "", "selectors", "urllib", "urllib.parse", "calendar", "locale", "uu", "encodings.idna", "stringprep" The **difference between module and library** is that module is a precompiled C source with Python bindings, whereas library is Python source code packed into a library and precompiled into Python bytecode (before loaded into our Firmware). **Networking/protocol modules/libraries** that are available on the LEON_CSS **can only be used on** `OAK POE device `__. You can specify on which processor the script will run, eg. for LEON_CSS: .. code-block:: python script = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script) script.setProcessor(dai.ProcessorType.LEON_CSS) Examples of functionality ######################### - :ref:`Script camera control` - Controlling the camera - :ref:`Script get local IP` - Get local IP - :ref:`Script HTTP client` - Send HTTP request - `Script TCP streaming `__ - TCP communication from within Script node, either in host or client mode - `Script MQTT publishing `__ - MQTT publishing from within Script node - :ref:`Script HTTP server` - still image over HTTP - :ref:`Script MJPEG server` - MJPEG video stream over HTTP - :ref:`Script NNData example` - Constructs :ref:`NNData` - `Triangulation experiment `__ - `Movenet decoding (edge mode) `__ - A bit more complex example by geaxgx Reference ######### .. tabs:: .. tab:: Python .. autoclass:: depthai.node.Script :members: :inherited-members: :noindex: .. tab:: C++ .. doxygenclass:: dai::node::Script :project: depthai-core :members: :private-members: :undoc-members: .. include:: ../../includes/footer-short.rst