SPIOut ====== SPIOut node is used for **sending data to a MCU** (via SPI). You can find demos `here `__. :ref:`SPIIn` is used for receiving data from the MCU (via SPI). How to place it ############### .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py pipeline = dai.Pipeline() spi = pipeline.create(dai.node.SPIOut) .. code-tab:: c++ dai::Pipeline pipeline; auto spi = pipeline.create(); Inputs and Outputs ################## .. code-block:: ┌──────────────┐ │ │ input │ │ SPI (to MCU) ─────────►│ SPIOut ├------------► │ │ │ │ └──────────────┘ **Message types** - :code:`input` - :code:`Any` Usage ##### .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py pipeline = dai.Pipeline() spi = pipeline.create(dai.node.SPIOut) spi.setStreamName("spimetaout") spi.setBusId(0) .. code-tab:: c++ dai::Pipeline pipeline; auto spi = pipeline.create(); spi->setStreamName("spimetaout"); spi->setBusId(0); Examples of functionality ######################### - `SPI code demos with ESP32 `__ Reference ######### .. tabs:: .. tab:: Python .. autoclass:: depthai.node.SPIOut :members: :inherited-members: :noindex: .. tab:: C++ .. doxygenclass:: dai::node::SPIOut :project: depthai-core :members: :private-members: :undoc-members: .. include:: ../../includes/footer-short.rst