Mono & MobilenetSSD & Depth =========================== This example shows how to run MobileNetv2SSD on the left grayscale camera in parallel with running the disparity depth results, displaying both the depth map and the right grayscale stream, with the bounding box from the neural network overlaid. It's a combination of :ref:`Depth Preview` and :ref:`Mono & MobilenetSSD`. .. rubric:: Similar samples: - :ref:`RGB & MobilenetSSD` - :ref:`RGB & MobileNetSSD @ 4K` - :ref:`Mono & MobilenetSSD` - :ref:`Video & MobilenetSSD` Demo #### .. raw:: html
Setup ##### .. include:: /includes/install_from_pypi.rst .. include:: /includes/install_req.rst Source code ########### .. tabs:: .. tab:: Python Also `available on GitHub `__ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/mixed/ :language: python :linenos: .. tab:: C++ Also `available on GitHub `__ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../depthai-core/examples/mixed/mono_depth_mobilenetssd.cpp :language: cpp :linenos: .. include:: /includes/footer-short.rst