
StereoComponent abstracts StereoDepth node, its configuration, filtering (eg. WLS filter), and disparity/depth viewing.


from depthai_sdk import OakCamera

with OakCamera() as oak:
    # Create stereo component, initialize left/right MonoCamera nodes for 800P and 60FPS
    stereo = oak.create_stereo('800p', fps=60)

    # Visualize normalized and colorized disparity stream
    # Start the pipeline, continuously poll

Component outputs

  • main - Default output. Uses depth.

  • disparity - Streams StereoDepth’s disparity frames to the host. When visualized, these get normalized and colorized. Produces DepthPacket.

  • depth - Streams StereoDepth’s depth frames to the host. When visualized, depth gets converted to disparity (for nicer visualization), normalized and colorized. Produces DepthPacket.

  • rectified_left - Streams StereoDepth’s rectified left frames to the host.

  • rectified_right - Streams StereoDepth’s rectified right frames to the host.

  • encoded - Provides an encoded version of disparity stream.
