
Device is an OAK camera or a RAE robot. On all of our devices there’s a powerful Robotics Vision Core (RVC). The RVC is optimized for performing AI inference, CV operations, and for processing sensory inputs (eg. stereo depth, video encoders, etc.).

Device API

Device object represents an OAK device. When starting the device, you have to upload a Pipeline to it, which will get executed on the VPU. When you create the device in the code, firmware is uploaded together with the pipeline and other assets (such as NN blobs).

pipeline = depthai.Pipeline()

# Create nodes, configure them and link them together

# Upload the pipeline to the device
with depthai.Device(pipeline) as device:
  # Print MxID, USB speed, and available cameras on the device
  print('USB speed:',device.getUsbSpeed())
  print('Connected cameras:',device.getConnectedCameras())

  # Input queue, to send message from the host to the device (you can receive the message on the device with XLinkIn)
  input_q = device.getInputQueue("input_name", maxSize=4, blocking=False)

  # Output queue, to receive message on the host from the device (you can send the message on the device with XLinkOut)
  output_q = device.getOutputQueue("output_name", maxSize=4, blocking=False)

  while True:
      # Get a message that came from the queue
      output_q.get() # Or output_q.tryGet() for non-blocking

      # Send a message to the device
      cfg = depthai.ImageManipConfig()

Connect to specified device

If you have multiple devices and only want to connect to a specific one, or if your OAK PoE camera is outside of your subnet, you can specify the device (either with MxID, IP, or USB port name) you want to connect to.

# Specify MXID, IP Address or USB path
device_info = depthai.DeviceInfo("14442C108144F1D000") # MXID
#device_info = depthai.DeviceInfo("") # IP Address
#device_info = depthai.DeviceInfo("3.3.3") # USB port name
with depthai.Device(pipeline, device_info) as device:
    # ...

Host clock syncing

When depthai library connects to a device, it automatically syncs device’s timestamp to host’s timestamp. Timestamp syncing happens continuously at around 5 second intervals, and can be configured via API (example script below).


Device clocks are synced at below 500µs accuracy for PoE cameras, and below 200µs accuracy for USB cameras at 1σ (standard deviation) with host clock.


Above is a graph representing the accuracy of the device clock with respect to the host clock. We had 3 devices connected (OAK PoE cameras), all were hardware synchronized using FSYNC Y-adapter. Raspberry Pi (the host) had an interrupt pin connected to the FSYNC line, so at the start of each frame the interrupt happened and the host clock was recorded. Then we compared frame (synced) timestamps with host timestamps and computed the standard deviation. For the histogram above we ran this test for approximately 3 hours.

Below is a graph representing the difference between the device and host clock. The graph shows the difference between the device and host clock over time. The graph is a result of the same test as the previous one.

# Configure host clock syncing example

import depthai as dai
from datetime import timedelta
# Configure pipeline
with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
    # 1st value: Interval between timesync runs
    # 2nd value: Number of timesync samples per run which are used to compute a better value
    # 3rd value: If true partial timesync requests will be performed at random intervals, otherwise at fixed intervals
    device.setTimesync(timedelta(seconds=5), 10, True) # (These are default values)

Multiple devices

If you want to use multiple devices on a host, check Multiple DepthAI per Host.

Device queues

After initializing the device, you can create input/output queues that match XLinkIn/XLinkOut nodes in the pipeline. These queues will be located on the host computer (in RAM).

pipeline = dai.Pipeline()

xout = pipeline.createXLinkOut()
# ...
xin = pipeline.createXLinkIn()
# ...
with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:

  outputQueue = device.getOutputQueue("output_name", maxSize=5, blocking=False)
  inputQueue = device.getInputQueue("input_name")

  outputQueue.get() # Read from the queue, blocks until message arrives
  outputQueue.tryGet() # Read from the queue, returns None if there's no msg (doesn't block)
  if outputQueue.has(): # Check if there are any messages in the queue

When you define an output queue, the device can push new messages to it at any time, and the host can read from it at any time.

Output queue - maxSize and blocking

When the host is reading very fast from the queue (inside while True loop), the queue, regardless of its size, will stay empty most of the time. But as we add things on the host side (additional processing, analysis, etc), it may happen that the device will be pushing messages to the queue faster than the host can read from it. And then the messages in the queue will start to increase - and both maxSize and blocking flags determine the behavior of the queue in this case. Two common configurations are:

with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
  # If you want only the latest message, and don't care about previous ones;
  # When a new msg arrives to the host, it will overwrite the previous (oldest) one if it's still in the queue
  q1 = device.getOutputQueue(name="name1", maxSize=1, blocking=False)

  # If you care about every single message (eg. H264/5 encoded video; if you miss a frame, you will get artifacts);
  # If the queue is full, the device will wait until the host reads a message from the queue
  q2 = device.getOutputQueue(name="name2", maxSize=30, blocking=True) # Also default values (maxSize=30/blocking=True)

We used maxSize=30 just as an example, but it can be any int16 number. Since device queues are on the host computer, memory (RAM) usually isn’t that scarce, so maxSize wouldn’t matter that much. But if you are using a small SBC like RPI Zero (512MB RAM), and are streaming large frames (eg. 4K unencoded), you could quickly run out of memory if you set maxSize to a high value (and don’t read from the queue fast enough).

Some additional information

  • Queues are thread-safe - they can be accessed from any thread.

  • Queues are created such that each queue is its own thread which takes care of receiving, serializing/deserializing, and sending the messages forward (same for input/output queues).

  • The Device object isn’t fully thread-safe. Some RPC calls (eg. getLogLevel, setLogLevel, getDdrMemoryUsage) will get thread-safe once the mutex is set in place (right now there could be races).


The watchdog is a crucial component in the operation of POE (Power over Ethernet) devices with DepthAI. When DepthAI disconnects from a POE device, the watchdog mechanism is the first to respond, initiating a reset of the camera. This reset is followed by a complete system reboot, which includes the loading of the DepthAI bootloader and the initialization of the entire networking stack.

The watchdog process is necessary to make the camera available for reconnection and typically takes about 10 seconds, which means the fastest possible reconnection time is 10 seconds.

Customizing the Watchdog Timeout

Set the environment variables DEPTHAI_WATCHDOG_INITIAL_DELAY and DEPTHAI_BOOTUP_TIMEOUT to your desired timeout values (in milliseconds) as follows:


For Windows PowerShell, set the environment variables like this:


In Windows CMD, you can set the environment variables as follows:


Alternatively, you can set the timeout directly in your code:

pipeline = depthai.Pipeline()

# Create a BoardConfig object
config = depthai.BoardConfig()

# Set the parameters
config.watchdogInitialDelayMs = <my_value>
config.watchdogTimeoutMs = <my_value>


By adjusting these settings, you can tailor the watchdog functionality to better suit your specific requirements.

Environment Variables

The following table lists various environment variables used in the system, along with their descriptions:

Environment Variable



Sets logging verbosity, options: ‘trace’, ‘debug’, ‘warn’, ‘error’, ‘off’


Sets logging verbosity of XLink library, options: ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’, ‘error’, ‘fatal’, ‘off’


Set to 0 to disable installing Backward signal handler for stack trace printing


Sets device watchdog timeout. Useful for debugging (DEPTHAI_WATCHDOG=0), to prevent device reset while the process is paused.


Specifies delay after which the device watchdog starts.


Specifies timeout in milliseconds for device searching in blocking functions.


Specifies timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection to a given device.


Specifies timeout in milliseconds for waiting the device to boot after sending the binary.


Restricts default search to the specified protocol. Options: any, usb, tcpip.


Restricts default search to the specified MXIDs. Accepts comma separated list of MXIDs. Lists filter results in an “AND” manner and not “OR”


Alias to MXID list. Lists filter results in an “AND” manner and not “OR”


Restricts default search to the specified NAMEs. Accepts comma separated list of NAMEs. Lists filter results in an “AND” manner and not “OR”


Overrides device Firmware binary. Mostly for internal debugging purposes.


Overrides device USB Bootloader binary. Mostly for internal debugging purposes.


Overrides device Network Bootloader binary. Mostly for internal debugging purposes.


class depthai.Device
addLogCallback(self: depthai.DeviceBase, callback: Callable[[depthai.LogMessage], None])int
close(self: depthai.DeviceBase)None

Closes the connection to device. Better alternative is the usage of context manager: with depthai.Device(pipeline) as device:

factoryResetCalibration(self: depthai.DeviceBase)None
flashCalibration(self: depthai.DeviceBase, calibrationDataHandler: depthai.CalibrationHandler)bool
flashCalibration2(self: depthai.DeviceBase, arg0: depthai.CalibrationHandler)None
flashEepromClear(self: depthai.DeviceBase)None
flashFactoryCalibration(self: depthai.DeviceBase, arg0: depthai.CalibrationHandler)None
flashFactoryEepromClear(self: depthai.DeviceBase)None
static getAllAvailableDevices() → List[depthai.DeviceInfo]
static getAllConnectedDevices() → List[depthai.DeviceInfo]
static getAnyAvailableDevice(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getAnyAvailableDevice(timeout: datetime.timedelta) -> Tuple[bool, depthai.DeviceInfo]

  2. getAnyAvailableDevice() -> Tuple[bool, depthai.DeviceInfo]

getAvailableStereoPairs(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → List[depthai.StereoPair]
getBootloaderVersion(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → Optional[depthai.Version]
getCameraSensorNames(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → Dict[depthai.CameraBoardSocket, str]
getChipTemperature(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.ChipTemperature
getCmxMemoryUsage(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.MemoryInfo
getConnectedCameraFeatures(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → List[depthai.CameraFeatures]
getConnectedCameras(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → List[depthai.CameraBoardSocket]
getConnectedIMU(self: depthai.DeviceBase)str
getConnectionInterfaces(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → List[depthai.connectionInterface]
getCrashDump(self: depthai.DeviceBase, clearCrashDump: bool = True)depthai.CrashDump
getDdrMemoryUsage(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.MemoryInfo
static getDeviceByMxId(mxId: str) → Tuple[bool, depthai.DeviceInfo]
getDeviceInfo(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.DeviceInfo
getDeviceName(self: depthai.DeviceBase)object
static getEmbeddedDeviceBinary(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getEmbeddedDeviceBinary(usb2Mode: bool, version: depthai.OpenVINO.Version = <Version.???: 7>) -> List[int]

  2. getEmbeddedDeviceBinary(config: depthai.Device.Config) -> List[int]

getEmbeddedIMUFirmwareVersion(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.Version
static getFirstAvailableDevice(skipInvalidDevices: bool = True) → Tuple[bool, depthai.DeviceInfo]
static getGlobalProfilingData()depthai.ProfilingData
getIMUFirmwareUpdateStatus(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → Tuple[bool, float]
getIMUFirmwareVersion(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.Version
getInputQueue(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getInputQueue(self: depthai.Device, name: str) -> depthai.DataInputQueue

  2. getInputQueue(self: depthai.Device, name: str, maxSize: int, blocking: bool = True) -> depthai.DataInputQueue

getInputQueueNames(self: depthai.Device) → List[str]
getIrDrivers(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → List[Tuple[str, int, int]]
getLeonCssCpuUsage(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.CpuUsage
getLeonCssHeapUsage(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.MemoryInfo
getLeonMssCpuUsage(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.CpuUsage
getLeonMssHeapUsage(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.MemoryInfo
getLogLevel(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.LogLevel
getLogOutputLevel(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.LogLevel
getMxId(self: depthai.DeviceBase)str
getOutputQueue(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getOutputQueue(self: depthai.Device, name: str) -> depthai.DataOutputQueue

  2. getOutputQueue(self: depthai.Device, name: str, maxSize: int, blocking: bool = True) -> depthai.DataOutputQueue

getOutputQueueNames(self: depthai.Device) → List[str]
getProductName(self: depthai.DeviceBase)object
getProfilingData(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.ProfilingData
getQueueEvent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getQueueEvent(self: depthai.Device, queueNames: List[str], timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=-1, seconds=86399, microseconds=999999)) -> str

  2. getQueueEvent(self: depthai.Device, queueName: str, timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=-1, seconds=86399, microseconds=999999)) -> str

  3. getQueueEvent(self: depthai.Device, timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=-1, seconds=86399, microseconds=999999)) -> str

getQueueEvents(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getQueueEvents(self: depthai.Device, queueNames: List[str], maxNumEvents: int = 18446744073709551615, timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=-1, seconds=86399, microseconds=999999)) -> List[str]

  2. getQueueEvents(self: depthai.Device, queueName: str, maxNumEvents: int = 18446744073709551615, timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=-1, seconds=86399, microseconds=999999)) -> List[str]

  3. getQueueEvents(self: depthai.Device, maxNumEvents: int = 18446744073709551615, timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=-1, seconds=86399, microseconds=999999)) -> List[str]

getStereoPairs(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → List[depthai.StereoPair]
getSystemInformationLoggingRate(self: depthai.DeviceBase)float
getUsbSpeed(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.UsbSpeed
getXLinkChunkSize(self: depthai.DeviceBase)int
hasCrashDump(self: depthai.DeviceBase)bool
isClosed(self: depthai.DeviceBase)bool
isEepromAvailable(self: depthai.DeviceBase)bool
isPipelineRunning(self: depthai.DeviceBase)bool
readCalibration(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.CalibrationHandler
readCalibration2(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.CalibrationHandler
readCalibrationOrDefault(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.CalibrationHandler
readCalibrationRaw(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → List[int]
readFactoryCalibration(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.CalibrationHandler
readFactoryCalibrationOrDefault(self: depthai.DeviceBase)depthai.CalibrationHandler
readFactoryCalibrationRaw(self: depthai.DeviceBase) → List[int]
removeLogCallback(self: depthai.DeviceBase, callbackId: int)bool
setIrFloodLightBrightness(self: depthai.DeviceBase, mA: float, mask: int = - 1)bool
setIrFloodLightIntensity(self: depthai.DeviceBase, intensity: float, mask: int = - 1)bool
setIrLaserDotProjectorBrightness(self: depthai.DeviceBase, mA: float, mask: int = - 1)bool
setIrLaserDotProjectorIntensity(self: depthai.DeviceBase, intensity: float, mask: int = - 1)bool
setLogLevel(self: depthai.DeviceBase, level: depthai.LogLevel)None
setLogOutputLevel(self: depthai.DeviceBase, level: depthai.LogLevel)None
setSystemInformationLoggingRate(self: depthai.DeviceBase, rateHz: float)None
setTimesync(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setTimesync(self: depthai.DeviceBase, arg0: datetime.timedelta, arg1: int, arg2: bool) -> None

  2. setTimesync(self: depthai.DeviceBase, enable: bool) -> None

setXLinkChunkSize(self: depthai.DeviceBase, sizeBytes: int)None
startIMUFirmwareUpdate(self: depthai.DeviceBase, forceUpdate: bool = False)bool
startPipeline(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. startPipeline(self: depthai.DeviceBase) -> None

  2. startPipeline(self: depthai.DeviceBase, arg0: depthai.Pipeline) -> bool

class dai::Device : public dai::DeviceBase

Represents the DepthAI device with the methods to interact with it. Implements the host-side queues to connect with XLinkIn and XLinkOut nodes

Public Functions

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • usb2Mode: (bool) Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: (bool) Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware


Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

~Device() override

dtor to close the device

std::shared_ptr<DataOutputQueue> getOutputQueue(const std::string &name)

Gets an output queue corresponding to stream name. If it doesn’t exist it throws


Smart pointer to DataOutputQueue

  • name: Queue/stream name, created by XLinkOut node

std::shared_ptr<DataOutputQueue> getOutputQueue(const std::string &name, unsigned int maxSize, bool blocking = true)

Gets a queue corresponding to stream name, if it exists, otherwise it throws. Also sets queue options


Smart pointer to DataOutputQueue

  • name: Queue/stream name, set in XLinkOut node

  • maxSize: Maximum number of messages in queue

  • blocking: Queue behavior once full. True specifies blocking and false overwriting of oldest messages. Default: true

std::vector<std::string> getOutputQueueNames() const

Get all available output queue names


Vector of output queue names

std::shared_ptr<DataInputQueue> getInputQueue(const std::string &name)

Gets an input queue corresponding to stream name. If it doesn’t exist it throws


Smart pointer to DataInputQueue

  • name: Queue/stream name, set in XLinkIn node

std::shared_ptr<DataInputQueue> getInputQueue(const std::string &name, unsigned int maxSize, bool blocking = true)

Gets an input queue corresponding to stream name. If it doesn’t exist it throws. Also sets queue options


Smart pointer to DataInputQueue

  • name: Queue/stream name, set in XLinkIn node

  • maxSize: Maximum number of messages in queue

  • blocking: Queue behavior once full. True: blocking, false: overwriting of oldest messages. Default: true

std::vector<std::string> getInputQueueNames() const

Get all available input queue names


Vector of input queue names

std::vector<std::string> getQueueEvents(const std::vector<std::string> &queueNames, std::size_t maxNumEvents = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(), std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until any of specified queues has received a message


Names of queues which received messages first

  • queueNames: Names of queues for which to block

  • maxNumEvents: Maximum number of events to remove from queue - Default is unlimited

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite - Default is -1

std::vector<std::string> getQueueEvents(const std::initializer_list<std::string> &queueNames, std::size_t maxNumEvents = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(), std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))
std::vector<std::string> getQueueEvents(std::string queueName, std::size_t maxNumEvents = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(), std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until specified queue has received a message


Names of queues which received messages first

  • queueName: Name of queues for which to wait for

  • maxNumEvents: Maximum number of events to remove from queue. Default is unlimited

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

std::vector<std::string> getQueueEvents(std::size_t maxNumEvents = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(), std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until any queue has received a message


Names of queues which received messages first

  • maxNumEvents: Maximum number of events to remove from queue. Default is unlimited

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

std::string getQueueEvent(const std::vector<std::string> &queueNames, std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until any of specified queues has received a message


Queue name which received a message first

  • queueNames: Names of queues for which to wait for

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

std::string getQueueEvent(const std::initializer_list<std::string> &queueNames, std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))
std::string getQueueEvent(std::string queueName, std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until specified queue has received a message


Queue name which received a message

  • queueNames: Name of queues for which to wait for

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

std::string getQueueEvent(std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until any queue has received a message


Queue name which received a message

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware


Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with.

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

DeviceBase(Config config)

Connects to any available device with custom config.

  • config: Device custom configuration to boot with

DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device ‘devInfo’ with custom config.

  • config: Device custom configuration to boot with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

DeviceBase(const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

DeviceBase(const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(std::string nameOrDeviceId)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • nameOrDeviceId: Creates DeviceInfo with nameOrDeviceId to connect to

DeviceBase(std::string nameOrDeviceId, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • nameOrDeviceId: Creates DeviceInfo with nameOrDeviceId to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(Config config, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(Config config, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(Config config, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd, bool dumpOnly = false)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

  • dumpOnly: If true only the minimal connection is established to retrieve the crash dump

Public Static Attributes

constexpr std::size_t EVENT_QUEUE_MAXIMUM_SIZE = {2048}

Maximum number of elements in event queue.

Private Functions

bool startPipelineImpl(const Pipeline &pipeline) override

Allows the derived classes to handle custom setup for starting the pipeline




Remember to call this function in the overload to setup the communication properly


True if pipeline started, false otherwise

  • pipeline: OpenVINO version of the pipeline must match the one which the device was booted with

void closeImpl() override

Allows the derived classes to handle custom setup for gracefully stopping the pipeline


Remember to call this function in the overload to setup the communication properly

Private Members

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DataOutputQueue>> outputQueueMap
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DataInputQueue>> inputQueueMap
std::unordered_map<std::string, DataOutputQueue::CallbackId> callbackIdMap
std::mutex eventMtx
std::condition_variable eventCv
std::deque<std::string> eventQueue

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