
SystemLogger node is used to get system information of the device.

How to place it

pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
logger = pipeline.create(dai.node.SystemLogger)
dai::Pipeline pipeline;
auto logger = pipeline.create<dai::node::SystemLogger>();

Inputs and Outputs

│              │
│              │    out
│ SystemLogger ├────────►
│              │
│              │

Message types


pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
logger = pipeline.create(dai.node.SystemLogger)
logger.setRate(1)  # 1 Hz

# Send system info to the host via XLink
xout = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
dai::Pipeline pipeline;
auto logger = pipeline.create<dai::node::SystemLogger>();\
logger->setRate(1.0f);  // 1 Hz

// Send system info to the host via XLink
auto xout = pipeline.create<dai::node::XLinkOut>();

Examples of functionality


class depthai.node.SystemLogger
class Id

Node identificator. Unique for every node on a single Pipeline

getAssetManager(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getAssetManager(self: depthai.Node) -> depthai.AssetManager

  2. getAssetManager(self: depthai.Node) -> depthai.AssetManager

getInputRefs(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getInputRefs(self: depthai.Node) -> List[depthai.Node.Input]

  2. getInputRefs(self: depthai.Node) -> List[depthai.Node.Input]

getInputs(self: depthai.Node) → List[depthai.Node.Input]
getName(self: depthai.Node)str
getOutputRefs(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getOutputRefs(self: depthai.Node) -> List[depthai.Node.Output]

  2. getOutputRefs(self: depthai.Node) -> List[depthai.Node.Output]

getOutputs(self: depthai.Node) → List[depthai.Node.Output]
getParentPipeline(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getParentPipeline(self: depthai.Node) -> depthai.Pipeline

  2. getParentPipeline(self: depthai.Node) -> depthai.Pipeline

getRate(self: depthai.node.SystemLogger)float
setRate(self: depthai.node.SystemLogger, hz: float)None
class dai::node::SystemLogger : public dai::NodeCRTP<Node, SystemLogger, SystemLoggerProperties>

SystemLogger node. Send system information periodically.

Public Functions

SystemLogger(const std::shared_ptr<PipelineImpl> &par, int64_t nodeId)
SystemLogger(const std::shared_ptr<PipelineImpl> &par, int64_t nodeId, std::unique_ptr<Properties> props)
void setRate(float hz)

Specify logging rate, at which messages will be sent out

  • hz: Sending rate in hertz (messages per second)

float getRate()

Gets logging rate, at which messages will be sent out

Public Members

Output out = {*this, "out", Output::Type::MSender, {{DatatypeEnum::SystemInformation, false}}}

Outputs SystemInformation message that carries various system information like memory and CPU usage, temperatures, …

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr const char *NAME = "SystemLogger"

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