C++ API Reference

namespace dai


using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock


enum CameraExposureOffset

Describe possible exposure offsets


enumerator START
enumerator MIDDLE
enumerator END
enum CameraBoardSocket

Which Camera socket to use.

AUTO denotes that the decision will be made by device


enumerator AUTO
enumerator CAM_A
enumerator CAM_B
enumerator CAM_C
enumerator CAM_D
enumerator CAM_E
enumerator CAM_F
enumerator CAM_G
enumerator CAM_H
enumerator CAM_I
enumerator CAM_J
enumerator RGB
enumerator CENTER
enumerator LEFT
enumerator RIGHT
enum CameraImageOrientation

Camera sensor image orientation / pixel readout. This exposes direct sensor settings. 90 or 270 degrees rotation is not available.

AUTO denotes that the decision will be made by device (e.g. on OAK-1/megaAI: ROTATE_180_DEG).


enumerator AUTO
enumerator NORMAL
enumerator VERTICAL_FLIP
enumerator ROTATE_180_DEG
enum CameraModel

Which CameraModel to initialize the calibration with.


enumerator Perspective
enumerator Fisheye
enumerator Equirectangular
enumerator RadialDivision
enum CameraSensorType

Camera sensor type.


enumerator AUTO
enumerator COLOR
enumerator MONO
enumerator TOF
enumerator THERMAL
enum Colormap

Camera sensor type.


enumerator NONE
enumerator TURBO
enumerator JET
enumerator STEREO_TURBO
enumerator STEREO_JET
enum ConnectionInterface


enumerator USB
enumerator ETHERNET
enumerator WIFI
enum FrameEvent


enumerator NONE
enumerator READOUT_START
enumerator READOUT_END
enum Interpolation

Interpolation type


enumerator AUTO
enumerator BILINEAR
enumerator BICUBIC
enumerator BYPASS
enumerator DEFAULT
enum MedianFilter

Median filter config


enumerator MEDIAN_OFF
enumerator KERNEL_3x3
enumerator KERNEL_5x5
enumerator KERNEL_7x7
enum ProcessorType

On which processor the node will be placed

Enum specifying processor


enumerator LEON_CSS
enumerator LEON_MSS
enum UsbSpeed

Get USB Speed


enumerator UNKNOWN
enumerator LOW
enumerator FULL
enumerator HIGH
enumerator SUPER
enumerator SUPER_PLUS
enum DatatypeEnum


enumerator Buffer
enumerator ImgFrame
enumerator EncodedFrame
enumerator NNData
enumerator ImageManipConfig
enumerator CameraControl
enumerator ImgDetections
enumerator SpatialImgDetections
enumerator SystemInformation
enumerator SpatialLocationCalculatorConfig
enumerator SpatialLocationCalculatorData
enumerator EdgeDetectorConfig
enumerator AprilTagConfig
enumerator AprilTags
enumerator Tracklets
enumerator IMUData
enumerator StereoDepthConfig
enumerator FeatureTrackerConfig
enumerator ImageAlignConfig
enumerator ToFConfig
enumerator PointCloudConfig
enumerator PointCloudData
enumerator TrackedFeatures
enumerator MessageGroup
enum SpatialLocationCalculatorAlgorithm

SpatialLocationCalculatorAlgorithm configuration modes

Contains calculation method used to obtain spatial locations.


enumerator AVERAGE
enumerator MEAN
enumerator MIN
enumerator MAX
enumerator MODE
enumerator MEDIAN
enum LogLevel


enumerator TRACE
enumerator DEBUG
enumerator INFO
enumerator WARN
enumerator ERR
enumerator CRITICAL
enumerator OFF
enum IMUSensor

Available IMU sensors. More details about each sensor can be found in the datasheet:




Section 2.1.1

Acceleration of the device without any postprocessing, straight from the sensor. Units are [m/s^2]


Section 2.1.1

Acceleration of the device including gravity. Units are [m/s^2]


Section 2.1.1

Acceleration of the device with gravity removed. Units are [m/s^2]

enumerator GRAVITY

Section 2.1.1

Gravity. Units are [m/s^2]

enumerator GYROSCOPE_RAW

Section 2.1.2

The angular velocity of the device without any postprocessing, straight from the sensor. Units are [rad/s]


Section 2.1.2

The angular velocity of the device. Units are [rad/s]


Section 2.1.2

Angular velocity without bias compensation. Units are [rad/s]


Section 2.1.3

Magnetic field measurement without any postprocessing, straight from the sensor. Units are [uTesla]


Section 2.1.3

The fully calibrated magnetic field measurement. Units are [uTesla]


Section 2.1.3

The magnetic field measurement without hard-iron offset applied. Units are [uTesla]


Section 2.2

The rotation vector provides an orientation output that is expressed as a quaternion referenced to magnetic north and gravity. It is produced by fusing the outputs of the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. The rotation vector is the most accurate orientation estimate available. The magnetometer provides correction in yaw to reduce drift and the gyroscope enables the most responsive performance.


Section 2.2

The game rotation vector is an orientation output that is expressed as a quaternion with no specific reference for heading, while roll and pitch are referenced against gravity. It is produced by fusing the outputs of the accelerometer and the gyroscope (i.e. no magnetometer). The game rotation vector does not use the magnetometer to correct the gyroscopes drift in yaw. This is a deliberate omission (as specified by Google) to allow gaming applications to use a smoother representation of the orientation without the jumps that an instantaneous correction provided by a magnetic field update could provide. Long term the output will likely drift in yaw due to the characteristics of gyroscopes, but this is seen as preferable for this output versus a corrected output.


Section 2.2

The geomagnetic rotation vector is an orientation output that is expressed as a quaternion referenced to magnetic north and gravity. It is produced by fusing the outputs of the accelerometer and magnetometer. The gyroscope is specifically excluded in order to produce a rotation vector output using less power than is required to produce the rotation vector of section 2.2.4. The consequences of removing the gyroscope are: Less responsive output since the highly dynamic outputs of the gyroscope are not used More errors in the presence of varying magnetic fields.


Section 2.2

Estimates of the magnetic field and the roll/pitch of the device can create a potential correction in the rotation vector produced. For applications (typically augmented or virtual reality applications) where a sudden jump can be disturbing, the output is adjusted to prevent these jumps in a manner that takes account of the velocity of the sensor system.


Section 2.2

While the magnetometer is removed from the calculation of the game rotation vector, the accelerometer itself can create a potential correction in the rotation vector produced (i.e. the estimate of gravity changes). For applications (typically augmented or virtual reality applications) where a sudden jump can be disturbing, the output is adjusted to prevent these jumps in a manner that takes account of the velocity of the sensor system. This process is called AR/VR stabilization.

enum TrackerType


enumerator SHORT_TERM_KCF

Kernelized Correlation Filter tracking.


Short term tracking without using image data.


Ability to track the objects without accessing image data.


Tracking using image data too.

enum TrackerIdAssignmentPolicy


enumerator UNIQUE_ID

Always take a new, unique ID.

enumerator SMALLEST_ID

Take the smallest available ID.

enum SerializationType


enumerator LIBNOP
enumerator JSON
enumerator JSON_MSGPACK


bool initialize()
bool initialize(std::string additionalInfo, bool installSignalHandler = true, void *javavm = nullptr)
bool initialize(const char *additionalInfo, bool installSignalHandler = true, void *javavm = nullptr)
bool initialize(void *javavm)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(CameraSensorConfig, width, height, minFps, maxFps, fov, type)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(ChipTemperature, css, mss, upa, dss, average)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(CpuUsage, average, msTime)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(DetectionParserOptions, nnFamily, confidenceThreshold, classes, coordinates, anchors, anchorMasks, iouThreshold)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_OPTIONAL_EXT(EepromData, version, boardCustom, boardName, boardRev, boardConf, hardwareConf, productName, deviceName, batchName, batchTime, boardOptions, cameraData, stereoRectificationData, imuExtrinsics, housingExtrinsics, miscellaneousData, stereoUseSpecTranslation, stereoEnableDistortionCorrection, verticalCameraSocket)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(MemoryInfo, remaining, used, total)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(Rect, x, y, width, height)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(RotatedRect, center, size, angle)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(Size2f, width, height)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(StereoRectification, rectifiedRotationLeft, rectifiedRotationRight, leftCameraSocket, rightCameraSocket)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(TensorInfo, order, dataType, numDimensions, dims, strides, name, offset)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(Timestamp, sec, nsec)
bool isDatatypeSubclassOf(DatatypeEnum parent, DatatypeEnum children)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(AprilTag, id, hamming, decisionMargin, topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(EdgeDetectorConfigData, sobelFilterHorizontalKernel, sobelFilterVerticalKernel)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(IMUReport, sequence, accuracy, timestamp, tsDevice)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(IMUReportAccelerometer, x, y, z, sequence, accuracy, timestamp, tsDevice)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(IMUReportGyroscope, x, y, z, sequence, accuracy, timestamp, tsDevice)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(IMUReportMagneticField, x, y, z, sequence, accuracy, timestamp, tsDevice)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(IMUReportRotationVectorWAcc, i, j, k, real, rotationVectorAccuracy, sequence, accuracy, timestamp, tsDevice)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(IMUPacket, acceleroMeter, gyroscope, magneticField, rotationVector)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(ImgDetection, label, confidence, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SpatialImgDetection, label, confidence, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, spatialCoordinates, boundingBoxMapping)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SpatialLocationCalculatorConfigThresholds, lowerThreshold, upperThreshold)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SpatialLocationCalculatorConfigData, roi, depthThresholds, calculationAlgorithm, stepSize)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SpatialLocations, config, depthAverage, depthMode, depthMedian, depthMin, depthMax, depthAveragePixelCount, spatialCoordinates)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(TrackedFeature, position, id, age, harrisScore, trackingError)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(BoardConfig::USB, vid, pid, flashBootedVid, flashBootedPid, maxSpeed, productName, manufacturer)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(BoardConfig::Network, mtu, xlinkTcpNoDelay)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(BoardConfig::GPIO, mode, direction, level, pull, drive, schmitt, slewFast)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(BoardConfig::Camera, name, sensorType, orientation)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(BoardConfig::IMU, bus, interrupt, wake, csGpio, boot, reset)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(BoardConfig::UVC, cameraName, width, height, frameType, enable)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(BoardConfig, usb, network, sysctl, watchdogTimeoutMs, watchdogInitialDelayMs, gpio, uart, pcieInternalClock, usb3PhyInternalClock, emmc, logPath, logSizeMax, logVerbosity, logDevicePrints, nonExclusiveMode, camera, imu, uvc)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(CrashDump, crashReports, depthaiCommitHash, deviceId)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(LogMessage, nodeIdName, level, time, colorRangeStart, colorRangeEnd, payload)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(NodeConnectionSchema, node1Id, node1OutputGroup, node1Output, node2Id, node2InputGroup, node2Input)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(NodeIoInfo, group, name, type, blocking, queueSize, waitForMessage, id)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(NodeObjInfo, id, name, properties, ioInfo)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(PipelineSchema, connections, globalProperties, nodes)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(AprilTagProperties, initialConfig, inputConfigSync)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(CameraProperties, initialControl, boardSocket, cameraName, imageOrientation, colorOrder, interleaved, fp16, previewHeight, previewWidth, videoWidth, videoHeight, stillWidth, stillHeight, resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight, fps, isp3aFps, sensorCropX, sensorCropY, previewKeepAspectRatio, ispScale, sensorType, numFramesPoolRaw, numFramesPoolIsp, numFramesPoolVideo, numFramesPoolPreview, numFramesPoolStill, warpMeshSource, warpMeshUri, warpMeshWidth, warpMeshHeight, calibAlpha, warpMeshStepWidth, warpMeshStepHeight, rawPacked)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(CastProperties, numFramesPool, outputType, scale, offset)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(ColorCameraProperties, initialControl, boardSocket, cameraName, imageOrientation, colorOrder, interleaved, fp16, previewHeight, previewWidth, videoWidth, videoHeight, stillWidth, stillHeight, resolution, fps, isp3aFps, sensorCropX, sensorCropY, previewKeepAspectRatio, ispScale, numFramesPoolRaw, numFramesPoolIsp, numFramesPoolVideo, numFramesPoolPreview, numFramesPoolStill, rawPacked)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(DetectionNetworkProperties, blobSize, blobUri, numFrames, numThreads, numNCEPerThread, parser)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(DetectionParserProperties, numFramesPool, networkInputs, parser)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(EdgeDetectorProperties, initialConfig, outputFrameSize, numFramesPool)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(FeatureTrackerProperties, initialConfig, numShaves, numMemorySlices)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(GlobalProperties, leonCssFrequencyHz, leonMssFrequencyHz, pipelineName, pipelineVersion, cameraTuningBlobSize, cameraTuningBlobUri, calibData, xlinkChunkSize, sippBufferSize, sippDmaBufferSize)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(IMUSensorConfig, sensitivityEnabled, sensitivityRelative, changeSensitivity, reportRate, sensorId)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(IMUProperties, imuSensors, batchReportThreshold, maxBatchReports, enableFirmwareUpdate)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(ImageAlignProperties, initialConfig, numFramesPool, alignWidth, alignHeight, warpHwIds, interpolation, outKeepAspectRatio, numShaves)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(ImageManipProperties, initialConfig, outputFrameSize, numFramesPool, meshWidth, meshHeight, meshUri)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(MessageDemuxProperties, dummy)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(MonoCameraProperties, initialControl, boardSocket, cameraName, imageOrientation, resolution, fps, isp3aFps, numFramesPool, numFramesPoolRaw, rawPacked)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(NeuralNetworkProperties, blobSize, blobUri, numFrames, numThreads, numNCEPerThread)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(ObjectTrackerProperties, trackerThreshold, maxObjectsToTrack, detectionLabelsToTrack, trackerType, trackerIdAssignmentPolicy, trackingPerClass)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(PointCloudProperties, initialConfig, numFramesPool)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SPIInProperties, streamName, busId, maxDataSize, numFrames)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SPIOutProperties, streamName, busId)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(ScriptProperties, scriptUri, scriptName, processor)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SpatialDetectionNetworkProperties, blobSize, blobUri, numFrames, numThreads, numNCEPerThread, parser, detectedBBScaleFactor, depthThresholds, calculationAlgorithm, stepSize)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SpatialLocationCalculatorProperties, roiConfig)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(StereoDepthProperties, initialConfig, depthAlignCamera, enableRectification, rectifyEdgeFillColor, width, height, outWidth, outHeight, outKeepAspectRatio, mesh, enableRuntimeStereoModeSwitch, numFramesPool, numPostProcessingShaves, numPostProcessingMemorySlices, focalLengthFromCalibration, useHomographyRectification, baseline, focalLength, disparityToDepthUseSpecTranslation, rectificationUseSpecTranslation, depthAlignmentUseSpecTranslation, alphaScaling)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SyncProperties, syncThresholdNs, syncAttempts)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(SystemLoggerProperties, rateHz)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(ToFProperties, initialConfig, numFramesPool, numShaves)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(UVCProperties, gpioInit, gpioStreamOn, gpioStreamOff)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(VideoEncoderProperties, bitrate, keyframeFrequency, maxBitrate, numBFrames, numFramesPool, outputFrameSize, profile, quality, lossless, rateCtrlMode, frameRate)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(WarpProperties, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputFrameSize, numFramesPool, meshWidth, meshHeight, meshUri, warpHwIds, interpolation)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(XLinkInProperties, streamName, maxDataSize, numFrames)
DEPTHAI_SERIALIZE_EXT(XLinkOutProperties, maxFpsLimit, streamName, metadataOnly)


static constexpr uint32_t BOARD_CONFIG_MAGIC1 = 0x78010000U
static constexpr uint32_t BOARD_CONFIG_MAGIC2 = 0x21ea17e6U
constexpr const char *LOG_DEFAULT_PATTERN = "[%E.%e] [%n] [%^%l%$] %v"
static constexpr auto DEFAULT_SERIALIZATION_TYPE = SerializationType::LIBNOP
class ADatatype
#include <ADatatype.hpp>

Abstract message.

Subclassed by dai::Buffer

struct AprilTag
#include <RawAprilTags.hpp>

AprilTag structure.

Public Members

int id = 0

The decoded ID of the tag

int hamming = 0

How many error bits were corrected? Note: accepting large numbers of corrected errors leads to greatly increased false positive rates. As of this implementation, the detector cannot detect tags with a hamming distance greater than 2.

float decisionMargin = 0.f

A measure of the quality of the binary decoding process; the average difference between the intensity of a data bit versus the decision threshold. Higher numbers roughly indicate better decodes. This is a reasonable measure of detection accuracy only for very small tags not effective for larger tags (where we could have sampled anywhere within a bit cell and still gotten a good detection.

Point2f topLeft

The detected top left coordinates.

Point2f topRight

The detected top right coordinates.

Point2f bottomRight

The detected bottom right coordinates.

Point2f bottomLeft

The detected bottom left coordinates.

class AprilTagConfig : public dai::Buffer
#include <AprilTagConfig.hpp>

AprilTagConfig message.

Public Functions


Construct AprilTagConfig message.

AprilTagConfig &setFamily(Family family)


AprilTagConfig &set(dai::RawAprilTagConfig config)

Set explicit configuration.

  • config: Explicit configuration

dai::RawAprilTagConfig get() const

Retrieve configuration data for AprilTag.


config for stereo depth algorithm

struct AprilTagProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<Properties, AprilTagProperties>
#include <AprilTagProperties.hpp>

Specify properties for AprilTag

Public Members

bool inputConfigSync = false

Whether to wait for config at ‘inputConfig’ IO.

class AprilTags : public dai::Buffer
#include <AprilTags.hpp>

AprilTags message.

Public Functions


Construct AprilTags message.

AprilTags &setTimestamp(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration> timestamp)

Sets image timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

AprilTags &setTimestampDevice(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration> timestamp)

Sets image timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

AprilTags &setSequenceNum(int64_t sequenceNum)

Retrieves image sequence number

struct Asset
#include <AssetManager.hpp>

Asset is identified with string key and can store arbitrary binary data.

class AssetManager
#include <AssetManager.hpp>

AssetManager can store assets and serialize.

Public Functions

void addExisting(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Asset>> assets)

Adds all assets in an array to the AssetManager

  • assets: Vector of assets to add

std::shared_ptr<dai::Asset> set(Asset asset)

Adds or overwrites an asset object to AssetManager.


Shared pointer to asset


std::shared_ptr<dai::Asset> set(const std::string &key, Asset asset)

Adds or overwrites an asset object to AssetManager with a specified key. Key value will be assigned to an Asset as well


Shared pointer to asset

  • key: Key under which the asset should be stored

  • asset: Asset to store

std::shared_ptr<dai::Asset> set(const std::string &key, const dai::Path &path, int alignment = 64)

Loads file into asset manager under specified key.

  • key: Key under which the asset should be stored

  • path: Path to file which to load as asset

  • alignment: [Optional] alignment of asset data in asset storage. Default is 64B

std::shared_ptr<dai::Asset> set(const std::string &key, const std::vector<std::uint8_t> &data, int alignment = 64)

Loads file into asset manager under specified key.


Shared pointer to asset

  • key: Key under which the asset should be stored

  • data: Asset data

  • alignment: [Optional] alignment of asset data in asset storage. Default is 64B

std::shared_ptr<const Asset> get(const std::string &key) const


Asset assigned to the specified key or a nullptr otherwise

std::shared_ptr<Asset> get(const std::string &key)


Asset assigned to the specified key or a nullptr otherwise

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Asset>> getAll() const


All asset stored in the AssetManager

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Asset>> getAll()


All asset stored in the AssetManager

std::size_t size() const


Number of asset stored in the AssetManager

void remove(const std::string &key)

Removes asset with key

  • key: Key of asset to remove

void serialize(AssetsMutable &assets, std::vector<std::uint8_t> &assetStorage, std::string prefix = "") const


class Assets

Subclassed by dai::AssetsMutable

class AssetsMutable : public dai::Assets
struct AssetView
struct BoardConfig

Public Members

std::vector<std::string> sysctl

Optional list of FreeBSD sysctl parameters to be set (system, network, etc.). For example: “net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=0” (this one is also set by default)

tl::optional<uint32_t> watchdogTimeoutMs

Watchdog config.

std::unordered_map<std::int8_t, UART> uart

UART instance map.

tl::optional<bool> pcieInternalClock

PCIe config.

tl::optional<bool> usb3PhyInternalClock

USB3 phy config.

tl::optional<bool> mipi4LaneRgb

MIPI 4Lane RGB config.

tl::optional<bool> emmc

eMMC config

tl::optional<std::string> logPath

log path

tl::optional<size_t> logSizeMax

Max log size.

tl::optional<LogLevel> logVerbosity

log verbosity

tl::optional<bool> logDevicePrints

log device prints

struct Camera
#include <BoardConfig.hpp>

Camera description.

struct GPIO
#include <BoardConfig.hpp>

GPIO config.

Public Types

enum Drive

Drive strength in mA (2, 4, 8 and 12mA)


enumerator MA_2
enumerator MA_4
enumerator MA_8
enumerator MA_12
struct IMU
struct Network
#include <BoardConfig.hpp>

Network configuration.

Public Members

uint16_t mtu = 0

Network MTU, 0 is auto (usually 1500 for Ethernet) or forwarded from bootloader (not yet implemented there). Note: not advised to increase past 1500 for now

bool xlinkTcpNoDelay = true

Sets the TCP_NODELAY option for XLink TCP sockets (disable Nagle’s algorithm), reducing latency at the expense of a small hit for max throughput. Default is true

struct UART
#include <BoardConfig.hpp>

UART instance config.

struct USB
#include <BoardConfig.hpp>

USB related config.

struct UVC
#include <BoardConfig.hpp>

UVC configuration for USB descriptor.

class Buffer : public dai::ADatatype
#include <Buffer.hpp>

Base message - buffer of binary data.

Subclassed by dai::AprilTagConfig, dai::AprilTags, dai::CameraControl, dai::EdgeDetectorConfig, dai::EncodedFrame, dai::FeatureTrackerConfig, dai::ImageAlignConfig, dai::ImageManipConfig, dai::ImgDetections, dai::ImgFrame, dai::IMUData, dai::MessageGroup, dai::NNData, dai::PointCloudConfig, dai::PointCloudData, dai::SpatialImgDetections, dai::SpatialLocationCalculatorConfig, dai::SpatialLocationCalculatorData, dai::StereoDepthConfig, dai::SystemInformation, dai::ToFConfig, dai::TrackedFeatures, dai::Tracklets

Public Functions


Creates Buffer message.

std::vector<std::uint8_t> &getData() const

Get non-owning reference to internal buffer.


Reference to internal buffer

void setData(const std::vector<std::uint8_t> &data)

  • data: Copies data to internal buffer

void setData(std::vector<std::uint8_t> &&data)

  • data: Moves data to internal buffer

std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration> getTimestamp() const

Retrieves timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration> getTimestampDevice() const

Retrieves timestamp directly captured from device’s monotonic clock, not synchronized to host time. Used mostly for debugging

int64_t getSequenceNum() const

Retrieves sequence number

Buffer &setTimestamp(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration> timestamp)

Sets timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

Buffer &setTimestampDevice(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration> timestamp)

Sets timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

Buffer &setSequenceNum(int64_t sequenceNum)

Retrieves sequence number

class CalibrationHandler
#include <CalibrationHandler.hpp>

CalibrationHandler is an interface to read/load/write structured calibration and device data. The following fields are protected and aren’t allowed to be overridden by default:

  • boardName

  • boardRev

  • boardConf

  • hardwareConf

  • batchName

  • batchTime

  • boardOptions

  • productName

Public Functions

CalibrationHandler(dai::Path eepromDataPath)

Construct a new Calibration Handler object using the eeprom json file created from calibration procedure.

  • eepromDataPath: takes the full path to the json file containing the calibration and device info.

CalibrationHandler(dai::Path calibrationDataPath, dai::Path boardConfigPath)

Construct a new Calibration Handler object using the board config json file and .calib binary files created using gen1 calibration.

  • calibrationDataPath: Full Path to the .calib binary file from the gen1 calibration. (Supports only Version 5)

  • boardConfigPath: Full Path to the board config json file containing device information.

CalibrationHandler(EepromData eepromData)

Construct a new Calibration Handler object from EepromData object.

  • eepromData: EepromData data structure containing the calibration data.

dai::EepromData getEepromData() const

Get the Eeprom Data object


EepromData object which contains the raw calibration data

std::vector<std::vector<float>> getCameraIntrinsics(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, int resizeWidth = -1, int resizeHeight = -1, Point2f topLeftPixelId = Point2f(), Point2f bottomRightPixelId = Point2f(), bool keepAspectRatio = true) const

Get the Camera Intrinsics object

Matrix representation of intrinsic matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Intrinsic Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} f_x & 0 & c_x \\ 0 & f_y & c_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]

Represents the 3x3 intrinsics matrix of the respective camera at the requested size and crop dimensions.

  • cameraId: Uses the cameraId to identify which camera intrinsics to return

  • resizewidth: resized width of the image for which intrinsics is requested. resizewidth = -1 represents width is same as default intrinsics

  • resizeHeight: resized height of the image for which intrinsics is requested. resizeHeight = -1 represents height is same as default intrinsics

  • topLeftPixelId: (x, y) point represents the top left corner coordinates of the cropped image which is used to modify the intrinsics for the respective cropped image

  • bottomRightPixelId: (x, y) point represents the bottom right corner coordinates of the cropped image which is used to modify the intrinsics for the respective cropped image

  • keepAspectRatio: Enabling this will scale on width or height depending on which provides the max resolution and crops the remaining part of the other side

std::vector<std::vector<float>> getCameraIntrinsics(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, Size2f destShape, Point2f topLeftPixelId = Point2f(), Point2f bottomRightPixelId = Point2f(), bool keepAspectRatio = true) const

Get the Camera Intrinsics object

Matrix representation of intrinsic matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Intrinsic Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} f_x & 0 & c_x \\ 0 & f_y & c_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]

Represents the 3x3 intrinsics matrix of the respective camera at the requested size and crop dimensions.

  • cameraId: Uses the cameraId to identify which camera intrinsics to return

  • destShape: resized width and height of the image for which intrinsics is requested.

  • topLeftPixelId: (x, y) point represents the top left corner coordinates of the cropped image which is used to modify the intrinsics for the respective cropped image

  • bottomRightPixelId: (x, y) point represents the bottom right corner coordinates of the cropped image which is used to modify the intrinsics for the respective cropped image

  • keepAspectRatio: Enabling this will scale on width or height depending on which provides the max resolution and crops the remaining part of the other side

std::vector<std::vector<float>> getCameraIntrinsics(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, std::tuple<int, int> destShape, Point2f topLeftPixelId = Point2f(), Point2f bottomRightPixelId = Point2f(), bool keepAspectRatio = true) const

Get the Camera Intrinsics object

Matrix representation of intrinsic matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Intrinsic Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} f_x & 0 & c_x \\ 0 & f_y & c_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]

Represents the 3x3 intrinsics matrix of the respective camera at the requested size and crop dimensions.

  • cameraId: Uses the cameraId to identify which camera intrinsics to return

  • destShape: resized width and height of the image for which intrinsics is requested.

  • topLeftPixelId: (x, y) point represents the top left corner coordinates of the cropped image which is used to modify the intrinsics for the respective cropped image

  • bottomRightPixelId: (x, y) point represents the bottom right corner coordinates of the cropped image which is used to modify the intrinsics for the respective cropped image

  • keepAspectRatio: Enabling this will scale on width or height depending on which provides the max resolution and crops the remaining part of the other side

std::tuple<std::vector<std::vector<float>>, int, int> getDefaultIntrinsics(CameraBoardSocket cameraId) const

Get the Default Intrinsics object

Matrix representation of intrinsic matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Intrinsic Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} f_x & 0 & c_x \\ 0 & f_y & c_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]

Represents the 3x3 intrinsics matrix of the respective camera along with width and height at which it was calibrated.

  • cameraId: Uses the cameraId to identify which camera intrinsics to return

std::vector<float> getDistortionCoefficients(CameraBoardSocket cameraId) const

Get the Distortion Coefficients object


the distortion coefficients of the requested camera in this order: [k1,k2,p1,p2,k3,k4,k5,k6,s1,s2,s3,s4,tx,ty] for CameraModel::Perspective or [k1, k2, k3, k4] for CameraModel::Fisheye see https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.4/d9/d0c/group__calib3d.html for Perspective model (Rational Polynomial Model) see https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.4/db/d58/group__calib3d__fisheye.html for Fisheye model

  • cameraId: Uses the cameraId to identify which distortion Coefficients to return.

float getFov(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, bool useSpec = true) const

Get the Fov of the camera


field of view of the camera with given cameraId.

  • cameraId: of the camera of which we are fetching fov.

  • useSpec: Disabling this bool will calculate the fov based on intrinsics (focal length, image width), instead of getting it from the camera specs

uint8_t getLensPosition(CameraBoardSocket cameraId) const

Get the lens position of the given camera


lens position of the camera with given cameraId at which it was calibrated.

  • cameraId: of the camera with lens position is requested.

CameraModel getDistortionModel(CameraBoardSocket cameraId) const

Get the distortion model of the given camera


lens position of the camera with given cameraId at which it was calibrated.

  • cameraId: of the camera with lens position is requested.

std::vector<std::vector<float>> getCameraExtrinsics(CameraBoardSocket srcCamera, CameraBoardSocket dstCamera, bool useSpecTranslation = false) const

Get the Camera Extrinsics object between two cameras from the calibration data if there is a linked connection between any two cameras then the relative rotation and translation (in centimeters) is returned by this function.

Matrix representation of transformation matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Transformation Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} r_{00} & r_{01} & r_{02} & T_x \\ r_{10} & r_{11} & r_{12} & T_y \\ r_{20} & r_{21} & r_{22} & T_z \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]

a transformationMatrix which is 4x4 in homogeneous coordinate system

  • srcCamera: Camera Id of the camera which will be considered as origin.

  • dstCamera: Camera Id of the destination camera to which we are fetching the rotation and translation from the SrcCamera

  • useSpecTranslation: Enabling this bool uses the translation information from the board design data

std::vector<float> getCameraTranslationVector(CameraBoardSocket srcCamera, CameraBoardSocket dstCamera, bool useSpecTranslation = true) const

Get the Camera translation vector between two cameras from the calibration data.


a translation vector like [x, y, z] in centimeters

  • srcCamera: Camera Id of the camera which will be considered as origin.

  • dstCamera: Camera Id of the destination camera to which we are fetching the translation vector from the SrcCamera

  • useSpecTranslation: Disabling this bool uses the translation information from the calibration data (not the board design data)

float getBaselineDistance(CameraBoardSocket cam1 = CameraBoardSocket::CAM_C, CameraBoardSocket cam2 = CameraBoardSocket::CAM_B, bool useSpecTranslation = true) const

Get the baseline distance between two specified cameras. By default it will get the baseline between CameraBoardSocket.CAM_C and CameraBoardSocket.CAM_B.


baseline distance in centimeters

  • cam1: First camera

  • cam2: Second camera

  • useSpecTranslation: Enabling this bool uses the translation information from the board design data (not the calibration data)

std::vector<std::vector<float>> getCameraToImuExtrinsics(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, bool useSpecTranslation = false) const

Get the Camera To Imu Extrinsics object From the data loaded if there is a linked connection between IMU and the given camera then there relative rotation and translation from the camera to IMU is returned.

Matrix representation of transformation matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Transformation Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} r_{00} & r_{01} & r_{02} & T_x \\ r_{10} & r_{11} & r_{12} & T_y \\ r_{20} & r_{21} & r_{22} & T_z \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]

Returns a transformationMatrix which is 4x4 in homogeneous coordinate system

  • cameraId: Camera Id of the camera which will be considered as origin. from which Transformation matrix to the IMU will be found

  • useSpecTranslation: Enabling this bool uses the translation information from the board design data

std::vector<std::vector<float>> getImuToCameraExtrinsics(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, bool useSpecTranslation = false) const

Get the Imu To Camera Extrinsics object from the data loaded if there is a linked connection between IMU and the given camera then there relative rotation and translation from the IMU to Camera is returned.

Matrix representation of transformation matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Transformation Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} r_{00} & r_{01} & r_{02} & T_x \\ r_{10} & r_{11} & r_{12} & T_y \\ r_{20} & r_{21} & r_{22} & T_z \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]

Returns a transformationMatrix which is 4x4 in homogeneous coordinate system

  • cameraId: Camera Id of the camera which will be considered as destination. To which Transformation matrix from the IMU will be found.

  • useSpecTranslation: Enabling this bool uses the translation information from the board design data

std::vector<std::vector<float>> getStereoRightRectificationRotation() const

Get the Stereo Right Rectification Rotation object


returns a 3x3 rectification rotation matrix

std::vector<std::vector<float>> getStereoLeftRectificationRotation() const

Get the Stereo Left Rectification Rotation object


returns a 3x3 rectification rotation matrix

dai::CameraBoardSocket getStereoLeftCameraId() const

Get the camera id of the camera which is used as left camera of the stereo setup


cameraID of the camera used as left camera

dai::CameraBoardSocket getStereoRightCameraId() const

Get the camera id of the camera which is used as right camera of the stereo setup


cameraID of the camera used as right camera

bool eepromToJsonFile(dai::Path destPath) const

Write raw calibration/board data to json file.


True on success, false otherwise

  • destPath: Full path to the json file in which raw calibration data will be stored

nlohmann::json eepromToJson() const

Get JSON representation of calibration data


JSON structure

void setBoardInfo(std::string boardName, std::string boardRev)

Set the Board Info object

  • version: Sets the version of the Calibration data(Current version is 6)

  • boardName: Sets your board name.

  • boardRev: set your board revision id.

void setBoardInfo(std::string productName, std::string boardName, std::string boardRev, std::string boardConf, std::string hardwareConf, std::string batchName, uint64_t batchTime, uint32_t boardOptions, std::string boardCustom = "")

Set the Board Info object. Creates version 7 EEPROM data

  • productName: Sets product name (alias).

  • boardName: Sets board name.

  • boardRev: Sets board revision id.

  • boardConf: Sets board configuration id.

  • hardwareConf: Sets hardware configuration id.

  • batchName: Sets batch name.

  • batchTime: Sets batch time (unix timestamp).

  • boardCustom: Sets a custom board (Default empty string).

void setBoardInfo(std::string deviceName, std::string productName, std::string boardName, std::string boardRev, std::string boardConf, std::string hardwareConf, std::string batchName, uint64_t batchTime, uint32_t boardOptions, std::string boardCustom = "")

Set the Board Info object. Creates version 7 EEPROM data

  • deviceName: Sets device name.

  • productName: Sets product name (alias).

  • boardName: Sets board name.

  • boardRev: Sets board revision id.

  • boardConf: Sets board configuration id.

  • hardwareConf: Sets hardware configuration id.

  • batchName: Sets batch name. Not supported anymore

  • batchTime: Sets batch time (unix timestamp).

  • boardCustom: Sets a custom board (Default empty string).

void setDeviceName(std::string deviceName)

Set the deviceName which responses to getDeviceName of Device

  • deviceName: Sets device name.

void setProductName(std::string productName)

Set the productName which acts as alisas for users to identify the device

  • productName: Sets product name (alias).

void setCameraIntrinsics(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, std::vector<std::vector<float>> intrinsics, Size2f frameSize)

Set the Camera Intrinsics object

Matrix representation of intrinsic matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Intrinsic Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} f_x & 0 & c_x \\ 0 & f_y & c_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]
  • cameraId: CameraId of the camera for which Camera intrinsics are being loaded

  • intrinsics: 3x3 intrinsics matrix

  • frameSize: Represents the width and height of the image at which intrinsics are calculated.

void setCameraIntrinsics(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, std::vector<std::vector<float>> intrinsics, int width, int height)

Set the Camera Intrinsics object

Matrix representation of intrinsic matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Intrinsic Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} f_x & 0 & c_x \\ 0 & f_y & c_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]
  • cameraId: CameraId of the camera for which Camera intrinsics are being loaded

  • intrinsics: 3x3 intrinsics matrix

  • width: Represents the width of the image at which intrinsics are calculated.

  • height: Represents the height of the image at which intrinsics are calculated.

void setCameraIntrinsics(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, std::vector<std::vector<float>> intrinsics, std::tuple<int, int> frameSize)

Set the Camera Intrinsics object

Matrix representation of intrinsic matrix

\[\begin{split} \text{Intrinsic Matrix} = \left [ \begin{matrix} f_x & 0 & c_x \\ 0 & f_y & c_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right ] \end{split}\]
  • cameraId: CameraId of the camera for which Camera intrinsics are being loaded

  • intrinsics: 3x3 intrinsics matrix

  • frameSize: Represents the width and height of the image at which intrinsics are calculated.

void setDistortionCoefficients(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, std::vector<float> distortionCoefficients)

Sets the distortion Coefficients obtained from camera calibration

  • cameraId: Camera Id of the camera for which distortion coefficients are computed

  • distortionCoefficients: Distortion Coefficients of the respective Camera.

void setFov(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, float hfov)

Set the Fov of the Camera

  • cameraId: Camera Id of the camera

  • hfov: Horizontal fov of the camera from Camera Datasheet

void setLensPosition(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, uint8_t lensPosition)

Sets the distortion Coefficients obtained from camera calibration

  • cameraId: Camera Id of the camera

  • lensPosition: lens posiotion value of the camera at the time of calibration

void setCameraType(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, CameraModel cameraModel)

Set the Camera Type object

  • cameraId: CameraId of the camera for which cameraModel Type is being updated.

  • cameraModel: Type of the model the camera represents

void setCameraExtrinsics(CameraBoardSocket srcCameraId, CameraBoardSocket destCameraId, std::vector<std::vector<float>> rotationMatrix, std::vector<float> translation, std::vector<float> specTranslation = {0, 0, 0})

Set the Camera Extrinsics object

  • srcCameraId: Camera Id of the camera which will be considered as relative origin.

  • destCameraId: Camera Id of the camera which will be considered as destination from srcCameraId.

  • rotationMatrix: Rotation between srcCameraId and destCameraId origins.

  • translation: Translation between srcCameraId and destCameraId origins.

  • specTranslation: Translation between srcCameraId and destCameraId origins from the design.

void setImuExtrinsics(CameraBoardSocket destCameraId, std::vector<std::vector<float>> rotationMatrix, std::vector<float> translation, std::vector<float> specTranslation = {0, 0, 0})

Set the Imu to Camera Extrinsics object

  • destCameraId: Camera Id of the camera which will be considered as destination from IMU.

  • rotationMatrix: Rotation between srcCameraId and destCameraId origins.

  • translation: Translation between IMU and destCameraId origins.

  • specTranslation: Translation between IMU and destCameraId origins from the design.

void setStereoLeft(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, std::vector<std::vector<float>> rectifiedRotation)

Set the Stereo Left Rectification object

Homography of the Left Rectification = Intrinsics_right * rectifiedRotation * inv(Intrinsics_left)

  • cameraId: CameraId of the camera which will be used as left Camera of stereo Setup

  • rectifiedRotation: Rectification rotation of the left camera required for feature matching

void setStereoRight(CameraBoardSocket cameraId, std::vector<std::vector<float>> rectifiedRotation)

Set the Stereo Right Rectification object

Homography of the Right Rectification = Intrinsics_right * rectifiedRotation * inv(Intrinsics_right)

  • cameraId: CameraId of the camera which will be used as left Camera of stereo Setup

  • rectifiedRotation: Rectification rotation of the left camera required for feature matching

bool validateCameraArray() const

Using left camera as the head it iterates over the camera extrinsics connection to check if all the camera extrinsics are connected and no loop exists.


true on proper connection with no loops.

Public Static Functions

CalibrationHandler fromJson(nlohmann::json eepromDataJson)

Construct a new Calibration Handler object from JSON EepromData.


class CallbackHandler
class CameraControl : public dai::Buffer
#include <CameraControl.hpp>

CameraControl message. Specifies various camera control commands like:

  • Still capture

  • Auto/manual focus

  • Auto/manual white balance

  • Auto/manual exposure

  • Anti banding

By default the camera enables 3A, with auto-focus in CONTINUOUS_VIDEO mode, auto-white-balance in AUTO mode, and auto-exposure with anti-banding for 50Hz mains frequency.

Public Functions


Construct CameraControl message.

CameraControl &setCaptureStill(bool capture)

Set a command to capture a still image

CameraControl &setStartStreaming()

Set a command to start streaming

CameraControl &setStopStreaming()

Set a command to stop streaming

CameraControl &setExternalTrigger(int numFramesBurst, int numFramesDiscard)

Set a command to enable external trigger snapshot mode

A rising edge on the sensor FSIN pin will make it capture a sequence of numFramesBurst frames. First numFramesDiscard will be skipped as configured (can be set to 0 as well), as they may have degraded quality

CameraControl &setFrameSyncMode(FrameSyncMode mode)

Set the frame sync mode for continuous streaming operation mode, translating to how the camera pin FSIN/FSYNC is used: input/output/disabled

CameraControl &setStrobeSensor(int activeLevel = 1)

Enable STROBE output on sensor pin, optionally configuring the polarity. Note: for many sensors the polarity is high-active and not configurable

CameraControl &setStrobeExternal(int gpioNumber, int activeLevel = 1)

Enable STROBE output driven by a MyriadX GPIO, optionally configuring the polarity This normally requires a FSIN/FSYNC/trigger input for MyriadX (usually GPIO 41), to generate timings

CameraControl &setStrobeDisable()

Disable STROBE output

CameraControl &setAutoFocusMode(AutoFocusMode mode)

Set a command to specify autofocus mode. Default CONTINUOUS_VIDEO

CameraControl &setAutoFocusTrigger()

Set a command to trigger autofocus

CameraControl &setAutoFocusLensRange(int infinityPosition, int macroPosition)

Set autofocus lens range, infinityPosition < macroPosition, valid values 0..255. May help to improve autofocus in case the lens adjustment is not typical/tuned

CameraControl &setAutoFocusRegion(uint16_t startX, uint16_t startY, uint16_t width, uint16_t height)

Set a command to specify focus region in pixels. Note: the region should be mapped to the configured sensor resolution, before ISP scaling

  • startX: X coordinate of top left corner of region

  • startY: Y coordinate of top left corner of region

  • width: Region width

  • height: Region height

CameraControl &setManualFocus(uint8_t lensPosition)

Set a command to specify manual focus position

  • lensPosition: specify lens position 0..255

CameraControl &setManualFocusRaw(float lensPositionRaw)

Set a command to specify manual focus position (more precise control).



  • lensPositionRaw: specify lens position 0.0f .. 1.0f

CameraControl &setAutoExposureEnable()

Set a command to enable auto exposure

CameraControl &setAutoExposureLock(bool lock)

Set a command to specify lock auto exposure

  • lock: Auto exposure lock mode enabled or disabled

CameraControl &setAutoExposureRegion(uint16_t startX, uint16_t startY, uint16_t width, uint16_t height)

Set a command to specify auto exposure region in pixels. Note: the region should be mapped to the configured sensor resolution, before ISP scaling

  • startX: X coordinate of top left corner of region

  • startY: Y coordinate of top left corner of region

  • width: Region width

  • height: Region height

CameraControl &setAutoExposureCompensation(int compensation)

Set a command to specify auto exposure compensation

  • compensation: Compensation value between -9..9, default 0

CameraControl &setAutoExposureLimit(uint32_t maxExposureTimeUs)

Set a command to specify the maximum exposure time limit for auto-exposure. By default the AE algorithm prioritizes increasing exposure over ISO, up to around frame-time (subject to further limits imposed by anti-banding)

  • maxExposureTimeUs: Maximum exposure time in microseconds

CameraControl &setAutoExposureLimit(std::chrono::microseconds maxExposureTime)

Set a command to specify the maximum exposure time limit for auto-exposure. By default the AE algorithm prioritizes increasing exposure over ISO, up to around frame-time (subject to further limits imposed by anti-banding)

  • maxExposureTime: Maximum exposure time

CameraControl &setAntiBandingMode(AntiBandingMode mode)

Set a command to specify anti-banding mode. Anti-banding / anti-flicker works in auto-exposure mode, by controlling the exposure time to be applied in multiples of half the mains period, for example in multiple of 10ms for 50Hz (period 20ms) AC-powered illumination sources.

If the scene would be too bright for the smallest exposure step (10ms in the example, with ISO at a minimum of 100), anti-banding is not effective.

  • mode: Anti-banding mode to use. Default: MAINS_50_HZ

CameraControl &setManualExposure(uint32_t exposureTimeUs, uint32_t sensitivityIso)

Set a command to manually specify exposure

  • exposureTimeUs: Exposure time in microseconds

  • sensitivityIso: Sensitivity as ISO value, usual range 100..1600

CameraControl &setManualExposure(std::chrono::microseconds exposureTime, uint32_t sensitivityIso)

Set a command to manually specify exposure

  • exposureTime: Exposure time

  • sensitivityIso: Sensitivity as ISO value, usual range 100..1600

CameraControl &setAutoWhiteBalanceMode(AutoWhiteBalanceMode mode)

Set a command to specify auto white balance mode

  • mode: Auto white balance mode to use. Default AUTO

CameraControl &setAutoWhiteBalanceLock(bool lock)

Set a command to specify auto white balance lock

  • lock: Auto white balance lock mode enabled or disabled

CameraControl &setManualWhiteBalance(int colorTemperatureK)

Set a command to manually specify white-balance color correction

  • colorTemperatureK: Light source color temperature in kelvins, range 1000..12000

CameraControl &setBrightness(int value)

Set a command to adjust image brightness

  • value: Brightness, range -10..10, default 0

CameraControl &setContrast(int value)

Set a command to adjust image contrast

  • value: Contrast, range -10..10, default 0

CameraControl &setSaturation(int value)

Set a command to adjust image saturation

  • value: Saturation, range -10..10, default 0

CameraControl &setSharpness(int value)

Set a command to adjust image sharpness

  • value: Sharpness, range 0..4, default 1

CameraControl &setLumaDenoise(int value)

Set a command to adjust luma denoise amount

  • value: Luma denoise amount, range 0..4, default 1

CameraControl &setChromaDenoise(int value)

Set a command to adjust chroma denoise amount

  • value: Chroma denoise amount, range 0..4, default 1

CameraControl &setSceneMode(SceneMode mode)

Set a command to specify scene mode

  • mode: Scene mode

CameraControl &setEffectMode(EffectMode mode)

Set a command to specify effect mode

  • mode: Effect mode

CameraControl &setControlMode(ControlMode mode)

Set a command to specify control mode

  • mode: Control mode

CameraControl &setCaptureIntent(CaptureIntent mode)

Set a command to specify capture intent mode

  • mode: Capture intent mode

bool getCaptureStill() const

Check whether command to capture a still is set


True if capture still command is set

std::chrono::microseconds getExposureTime() const

Retrieves exposure time

int getSensitivity() const

Retrieves sensitivity, as an ISO value

int getLensPosition() const

Retrieves lens position, range 0..255. Returns -1 if not available

float getLensPositionRaw() const

Retrieves lens position, range 0.0f..1.0f.

CameraControl &set(dai::RawCameraControl config)

Set explicit configuration.

  • config: Explicit configuration

dai::RawCameraControl get() const

Retrieve configuration data for CameraControl.


config for CameraControl

struct CameraFeatures
#include <CameraFeatures.hpp>

CameraFeatures structure

Characterizes detected cameras on board

Public Members

CameraBoardSocket socket = CameraBoardSocket::AUTO

Board socket where the camera was detected

std::string sensorName

Camera sensor name, e.g: “IMX378”, “OV9282”

std::int32_t width = -1

Maximum sensor resolution

CameraImageOrientation orientation = CameraImageOrientation::AUTO

Default camera orientation, board dependent

std::vector<CameraSensorType> supportedTypes

List of supported types of processing for the given camera.

For some sensors it’s not possible to determine if they are color or mono (e.g. OV9782 and OV9282), so this could return more than one entry

bool hasAutofocusIC = false

Whether an autofocus VCM IC was detected

bool hasAutofocus = false

Whether camera has auto focus capabilities, or is a fixed focus lens

std::string name

Camera name or alias

std::vector<std::string> additionalNames

Additional camera names or aliases

std::vector<CameraSensorConfig> configs

Available sensor configs

tl::optional<CameraSensorConfig> calibrationResolution = tl::nullopt

The resolution which should be used for calibration.

struct CameraInfo
#include <CameraInfo.hpp>

CameraInfo structure.

struct CameraProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<Properties, CameraProperties>
#include <CameraProperties.hpp>

Specify properties for ColorCamera such as camera ID, …

Public Types

enum ColorOrder

For 24 bit color these can be either RGB or BGR


enumerator BGR
enumerator RGB
enum WarpMeshSource

Warp mesh source


enumerator AUTO
enumerator NONE
enumerator CALIBRATION
enumerator URI

Public Members

RawCameraControl initialControl

Initial controls applied to ColorCamera node

CameraBoardSocket boardSocket = CameraBoardSocket::AUTO

Which socket will color camera use

std::string cameraName = ""

Which camera name will color camera use

CameraImageOrientation imageOrientation = CameraImageOrientation::AUTO

Camera sensor image orientation / pixel readout

ColorOrder colorOrder = ColorOrder::BGR

For 24 bit color these can be either RGB or BGR

bool interleaved = true

Are colors interleaved (R1G1B1, R2G2B2, …) or planar (R1R2…, G1G2…, B1B2)

bool fp16 = false

Are values FP16 type (0.0 - 255.0)

uint32_t previewHeight = DEFAULT_PREVIEW_HEIGHT

Preview frame output height

uint32_t previewWidth = DEFAULT_PREVIEW_WIDTH

Preview frame output width

int32_t videoWidth = AUTO

Preview frame output width

int32_t videoHeight = AUTO

Preview frame output height

int32_t stillWidth = AUTO

Preview frame output width

int32_t stillHeight = AUTO

Preview frame output height

int32_t resolutionWidth = AUTO

Select the camera sensor width

int32_t resolutionHeight = AUTO

Select the camera sensor height

float fps = 30.0

Camera sensor FPS

int isp3aFps = 0

Isp 3A rate (auto focus, auto exposure, auto white balance, camera controls etc.). Default (0) matches the camera FPS, meaning that 3A is running on each frame. Reducing the rate of 3A reduces the CPU usage on CSS, but also increases the convergence rate of 3A. Note that camera controls will be processed at this rate. E.g. if camera is running at 30 fps, and camera control is sent at every frame, but 3A fps is set to 15, the camera control messages will be processed at 15 fps rate, which will lead to queueing.

float sensorCropX = AUTO

Initial sensor crop, -1 signifies center crop

bool previewKeepAspectRatio = false

Whether to keep aspect ratio of input (video/preview size) or not

IspScale ispScale

Configure scaling for isp output.

CameraSensorType sensorType = CameraSensorType::AUTO

Type of sensor, specifies what kind of postprocessing is performed.

int numFramesPoolRaw = 3

Pool sizes

tl::optional<float> calibAlpha

Free scaling parameter between 0 (when all the pixels in the undistorted image are valid) and 1 (when all the source image pixels are retained in the undistorted image). On some high distortion lenses, and/or due to rectification (image rotated) invalid areas may appear even with alpha=0, in these cases alpha < 0.0 helps removing invalid areas. See getOptimalNewCameraMatrix from opencv for more details.

tl::optional<bool> rawPacked

Configures whether the camera raw frames are saved as MIPI-packed to memory. The packed format is more efficient, consuming less memory on device, and less data to send to host: RAW10: 4 pixels saved on 5 bytes, RAW12: 2 pixels saved on 3 bytes. When packing is disabled (false), data is saved lsb-aligned, e.g. a RAW10 pixel will be stored as uint16, on bits 9..0: 0b0000’00pp’pppp’pppp. Default is auto: enabled for standard color/monochrome cameras where ISP can work with both packed/unpacked, but disabled for other cameras like ToF.

struct IspScale
struct CameraSensorConfig
#include <CameraFeatures.hpp>

Sensor config

Public Members

std::int32_t width = -1

Width and height in number of output pixels.

Rect fov

Sensor active view area in physical area [pixels].

struct CastProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<Properties, CastProperties>
#include <CastProperties.hpp>

Specify properties for Cast

struct ChipTemperature
#include <ChipTemperature.hpp>

Chip temperature information.

Multiple temperature measurement points and their average

Public Members

float css

CPU Subsystem

float mss

Media Subsystem

float upa

Shave Array

float dss

DRAM Subsystem

float average

Average of measurements

struct ColorCameraProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<Properties, ColorCameraProperties>
#include <ColorCameraProperties.hpp>

Specify properties for ColorCamera such as camera ID, …

Public Types

enum SensorResolution

Select the camera sensor resolution


enumerator THE_1080_P

1920 × 1080

enumerator THE_4_K

3840 × 2160

enumerator THE_12_MP

4056 × 3040

enumerator THE_13_MP

4208 × 3120

enumerator THE_720_P

1280 × 720

enumerator THE_800_P

1280 × 800

enumerator THE_1200_P

1920 × 1200

enumerator THE_5_MP

2592 × 1944

enumerator THE_4000X3000

4000 × 3000

enumerator THE_5312X6000

5312 × 6000

enumerator THE_48_MP

8000 × 6000

enumerator THE_1440X1080

1440 × 1080

enumerator THE_1352X1012

1352 × 1012

enumerator THE_2024X1520

2024 × 1520

enum ColorOrder

For 24 bit color these can be either RGB or BGR


enumerator BGR
enumerator RGB

Public Members

CameraBoardSocket boardSocket = CameraBoardSocket::AUTO

Which socket will color camera use

std::string cameraName = ""

Which camera name will color camera use

CameraImageOrientation imageOrientation = CameraImageOrientation::AUTO

Camera sensor image orientation / pixel readout

ColorOrder colorOrder = ColorOrder::BGR

For 24 bit color these can be either RGB or BGR

bool interleaved = true

Are colors interleaved (R1G1B1, R2G2B2, …) or planar (R1R2…, G1G2…, B1B2)

bool fp16 = false

Are values FP16 type (0.0 - 255.0)

uint32_t previewHeight = 300

Preview frame output height

uint32_t previewWidth = 300

Preview frame output width

int32_t videoWidth = AUTO

Preview frame output width

int32_t videoHeight = AUTO

Preview frame output height

int32_t stillWidth = AUTO

Preview frame output width

int32_t stillHeight = AUTO

Preview frame output height

SensorResolution resolution = SensorResolution::THE_1080_P

Select the camera sensor resolution

float fps = 30.0

Camera sensor FPS

int isp3aFps = 0

Isp 3A rate (auto focus, auto exposure, auto white balance, camera controls etc.). Default (0) matches the camera FPS, meaning that 3A is running on each frame. Reducing the rate of 3A reduces the CPU usage on CSS, but also increases the convergence rate of 3A. Note that camera controls will be processed at this rate. E.g. if camera is running at 30 fps, and camera control is sent at every frame, but 3A fps is set to 15, the camera control messages will be processed at 15 fps rate, which will lead to queueing.

float sensorCropX = AUTO

Initial sensor crop, -1 signifies center crop

bool previewKeepAspectRatio = true

Whether to keep aspect ratio of input (video size) or not

IspScale ispScale

Configure scaling for isp output.

int numFramesPoolRaw = 3

Pool sizes

std::vector<dai::FrameEvent> eventFilter = {dai::FrameEvent::READOUT_START}

List of events to receive, the rest will be ignored

tl::optional<bool> rawPacked

Configures whether the camera raw frames are saved as MIPI-packed to memory. The packed format is more efficient, consuming less memory on device, and less data to send to host: RAW10: 4 pixels saved on 5 bytes, RAW12: 2 pixels saved on 3 bytes. When packing is disabled (false), data is saved lsb-aligned, e.g. a RAW10 pixel will be stored as uint16, on bits 9..0: 0b0000’00pp’pppp’pppp. Default is auto: enabled for standard color/monochrome cameras where ISP can work with both packed/unpacked, but disabled for other cameras like ToF.

struct IspScale
template<typename T>
class copyable_unique_ptr : public std::unique_ptr<T>
#include <copyable_unique_ptr.hpp>

A smart pointer with deep copy semantics.

This is similar to std::unique_ptr in that it does not permit shared ownership of the contained object. However, unlike std::unique_ptr, copyable_unique_ptr supports copy and assignment operations, by insisting that the contained object be “copyable”. To be copyable, the class must have either an accessible copy constructor, or it must have an accessible clone method with signature

std::unique_ptr<Foo> Clone() const;
where Foo is the type of the managed object. By “accessible” we mean either that the copy constructor or clone method is public, or friend copyable_unique_ptr<Foo>; appears in Foo’s class declaration.

Generally, the API is modeled as closely as possible on the C++ standard std::unique_ptr API and copyable_unique_ptr<T> is interoperable with unique_ptr<T> wherever that makes sense. However, there are some differences:

  1. It always uses a default deleter.

  2. There is no array version.

  3. To allow for future copy-on-write optimizations, there is a distinction between writable and const access, the get() method is modified to return only a const pointer, with get_mutable() added to return a writable pointer. Furthermore, derefencing (operator*()) a mutable pointer will give a mutable reference (in so far as T is not declared const), and dereferencing a const pointer will give a const reference.

This class is entirely inline and has no computational or space overhead except when copying is required; it contains just a single pointer and does no reference counting.


In the simplest use case, the instantiation type will match the type of object it references, e.g.:

copyable_unique_ptr<Foo> ptr = make_unique<Foo>(...);
In this case, as long Foo is deemed compatible, the behavior will be as expected, i.e., when ptr copies, it will contain a reference to a new instance of Foo.

copyable_unique_ptr can also be used with polymorphic classes a copyable_unique_ptr, instantiated on a base class, references an instance of a derived class. When copying the object, we would want the copy to likewise contain an instance of the derived class. For example:

copyable_unique_ptr<Base> cu_ptr = make_unique<Derived>();
copyable_unique_ptr<Base> other_cu_ptr = cu_ptr;           // Triggers a copy.
is_dynamic_castable<Derived>(other_cu_ptr.get());          // Should be true.

This works for well-designed polymorphic classes.

  • The Base class’s Clone() implementation does not invoke the Derived class’s implementation of a suitable virtual method.


Ill-formed polymorphic classes can lead to fatal type slicing of the referenced object, such that the new copy contains an instance of Base instead of Derived. Some mistakes that would lead to this degenerate behavior:

Template Parameters
  • T: The type of the contained object, which must be copyable as defined above. May be an abstract or concrete type.


copyable_unique_ptr() noexcept

Default constructor stores a nullptr. No heap allocation is performed. The empty() method will return true when called on a default-constructed copyable_unique_ptr.

copyable_unique_ptr(T *raw) noexcept

Given a raw pointer to a writable heap-allocated object, take over ownership of that object. No copying occurs.

copyable_unique_ptr(const T &value)

Constructs a unique instance of T as a copy of the provided model value.

copyable_unique_ptr(const copyable_unique_ptr &cu_ptr)

Copy constructor is deep; the new copyable_unique_ptr object contains a new copy of the object in the source, created via the source object’s copy constructor or Clone() method. If the source container is empty this one will be empty also.

template<typename U>
copyable_unique_ptr(const std::unique_ptr<U> &u_ptr)

Copy constructor from a standard unique_ptr of compatible type. The copy is deep; the new copyable_unique_ptr object contains a new copy of the object in the source, created via the source object’s copy constructor or Clone() method. If the source container is empty this one will be empty also.

copyable_unique_ptr(copyable_unique_ptr &&cu_ptr) noexcept

Move constructor is very fast and leaves the source empty. Ownership is transferred from the source to the new copyable_unique_ptr. If the source was empty this one will be empty also. No heap activity occurs.

copyable_unique_ptr(std::unique_ptr<T> &&u_ptr) noexcept

Move constructor from a standard unique_ptr. The move is very fast and leaves the source empty. Ownership is transferred from the source to the new copyable_unique_ptr. If the source was empty this one will be empty also. No heap activity occurs.

template<typename U>
copyable_unique_ptr(std::unique_ptr<U> &&u_ptr) noexcept

Move construction from a compatible standard unique_ptr. Type U* must be implicitly convertible to type T*. Ownership is transferred from the source to the new copyable_unique_ptr. If the source was empty this one will be empty also. No heap activity occurs.


copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(T *raw) noexcept

This form of assignment replaces the currently-held object by the given source object and takes over ownership of the source object. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted.

copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(const T &ref)

This form of assignment replaces the currently-held object by a heap-allocated copy of the source object, created using its copy constructor or Clone() method. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted.

copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(const copyable_unique_ptr &cu_ptr)

Copy assignment from copyable_unique_ptr replaces the currently-held object by a copy of the object held in the source container, created using the source object’s copy constructor or Clone() method. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted. If the source container is empty this one will be empty also after the assignment. Nothing happens if the source and destination are the same container.

template<typename U>
copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(const copyable_unique_ptr<U> &cu_ptr)

Copy assignment from a compatible copyable_unique_ptr replaces the currently-held object by a copy of the object held in the source container, created using the source object’s copy constructor or Clone() method. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted. If the source container is empty this one will be empty also after the assignment. Nothing happens if the source and destination are the same container.

copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(const std::unique_ptr<T> &src)

Copy assignment from a standard unique_ptr replaces the currently-held object by a copy of the object held in the source container, created using the source object’s copy constructor or Clone() method. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted. If the source container is empty this one will be empty also after the assignment. Nothing happens if the source and destination are the same container.

template<typename U>
copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(const std::unique_ptr<U> &u_ptr)

Copy assignment from a compatible standard unique_ptr replaces the currently-held object by a copy of the object held in the source container, created using the source object’s copy constructor or Clone() method. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted. If the source container is empty this one will be empty also after the assignment. Nothing happens if the source and destination are the same container.

copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(copyable_unique_ptr &&cu_ptr) noexcept

Move assignment replaces the currently-held object by the source object, leaving the source empty. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted. The instance is not copied. Nothing happens if the source and destination are the same containers.

template<typename U>
copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(copyable_unique_ptr<U> &&cu_ptr) noexcept

Move assignment replaces the currently-held object by the compatible source object, leaving the source empty. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted. The instance is not copied. Nothing happens if the source and destination are the same containers.

copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(std::unique_ptr<T> &&u_ptr) noexcept

Move assignment replaces the currently-held object by the source object, leaving the source empty. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted. The instance is not copied. Nothing happens if the source and destination are the same containers.

template<typename U>
copyable_unique_ptr &operator=(std::unique_ptr<U> &&u_ptr) noexcept

Move assignment replaces the currently-held object by the compatible source object, leaving the source empty. The currently-held object (if any) is deleted. The instance is not copied. Nothing happens if the source and destination are the same containers.


bool empty() const noexcept

Return true if this container is empty, which is the state the container is in immediately after default construction and various other operations.

const T *get() const noexcept

Return a const pointer to the contained object if any, or nullptr. Note that this is different than get() for the standard smart pointers like std::unique_ptr which return a writable pointer. Use get_mutable() here for that purpose.

T *get_mutable() noexcept

Return a writable pointer to the contained object if any, or nullptr. Note that you need write access to this container in order to get write access to the object it contains.


If copyable_unique_ptr is instantiated on a const template parameter (e.g., copyable_unique_ptr<const Foo>), then get_mutable() returns a const pointer.

const T &operator*() const

Return a const reference to the contained object. Note that this is different from std::unique_ptr::operator*() which would return a non-const reference (if T is non-const), even if the container itself is const. For a const copyable_unique_ptr will always return a const reference to its contained value.


Currently copyable_unique_ptr is a std::unique_ptr. As such, a const copyable_unique_ptr<Foo> can be upcast to a const unique_ptr<Foo> and the parent’s behavior will provide a mutable reference. This is strongly discouraged and will break as the implementation of this class changes to shore up this gap in the const correctness protection.


this != nullptr reports true.

T &operator*()

Return a writable reference to the contained object (if T is itself not const). Note that you need write access to this container in order to get write access to the object it contains.

We strongly recommend, that, if dereferencing a copyable_unique_ptr without the intention of mutating the underlying value, prefer to dereference a const copyable_unique_ptr (or use *my_ptr.get()) and not a mutable copyable_unique_ptr. As “copy-on-write” behavior is introduced in the future, this recommended practice will prevent unwanted copies of the underlying value.

If copyable_unique_ptr is instantiated on a const template parameter (e.g., copyable_unique_ptr<const Foo>), then operator*() must return a const reference.


this != nullptr reports true.


template<class charT, class traits, class T>
std::basic_ostream<charT, traits> &operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits> &os, const copyable_unique_ptr<T> &cu_ptr)

Output the system-dependent representation of the pointer contained in a copyable_unique_ptr object. This is equivalent to os << p.get();.

struct CpuUsage
#include <CpuUsage.hpp>

CpuUsage structure

Average usage in percent and time span of the average (since last query)

Public Members

float average

Average CPU usage, expressed with a normalized value (0-1)

int32_t msTime

Time span in which the average was calculated in milliseconds

struct CrashDump
struct CrashReport
struct ErrorSourceInfo
struct AssertContext
struct TrapContext
struct ThreadCallstack
struct CallstackContext
class DataInputQueue
#include <DataQueue.hpp>

Access to send messages through XLink stream

Public Functions

bool isClosed() const

Check whether queue is closed


This function is thread-unsafe and may return outdated incorrect values. It is only meant for use in simple single-threaded code. Well written code should handle exceptions when calling any DepthAI apis to handle hardware events and multithreaded use.

void close()

Closes the queue and the underlying thread

void setMaxDataSize(std::size_t maxSize)

Sets maximum message size. If message is larger than specified, then an exception is issued.

  • maxSize: Maximum message size to add to queue

std::size_t getMaxDataSize()

Gets maximum queue size.


Maximum message size

void setBlocking(bool blocking)

Sets queue behavior when full (maxSize)

  • blocking: Specifies if block or overwrite the oldest message in the queue

bool getBlocking() const

Gets current queue behavior when full (maxSize)


True if blocking, false otherwise

void setMaxSize(unsigned int maxSize)

Sets queue maximum size

  • maxSize: Specifies maximum number of messages in the queue

unsigned int getMaxSize() const

Gets queue maximum size


Maximum queue size

std::string getName() const

Gets queues name


Queue name

void send(const std::shared_ptr<RawBuffer> &rawMsg)

Adds a raw message to the queue, which will be picked up and sent to the device. Can either block if ‘blocking’ behavior is true or overwrite oldest

  • rawMsg: Message to add to the queue

void send(const std::shared_ptr<ADatatype> &msg)

Adds a message to the queue, which will be picked up and sent to the device. Can either block if ‘blocking’ behavior is true or overwrite oldest

  • msg: Message to add to the queue

void send(const ADatatype &msg)

Adds a message to the queue, which will be picked up and sent to the device. Can either block if ‘blocking’ behavior is true or overwrite oldest

  • msg: Message to add to the queue

bool send(const std::shared_ptr<RawBuffer> &rawMsg, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)

Adds message to the queue, which will be picked up and sent to the device. Can either block until timeout if ‘blocking’ behavior is true or overwrite oldest

  • rawMsg: Message to add to the queue

  • timeout: Maximum duration to block in milliseconds

bool send(const std::shared_ptr<ADatatype> &msg, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)

Adds message to the queue, which will be picked up and sent to the device. Can either block until timeout if ‘blocking’ behavior is true or overwrite oldest

  • msg: Message to add to the queue

  • timeout: Maximum duration to block in milliseconds

bool send(const ADatatype &msg, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)

Adds message to the queue, which will be picked up and sent to the device. Can either block until timeout if ‘blocking’ behavior is true or overwrite oldest

  • msg: Message to add to the queue

  • timeout: Maximum duration to block in milliseconds

class DataOutputQueue
#include <DataQueue.hpp>

Access to receive messages coming from XLink stream

Public Types

using CallbackId = int

Alias for callback id.

Public Functions

bool isClosed() const

Check whether queue is closed


This function is thread-unsafe and may return outdated incorrect values. It is only meant for use in simple single-threaded code. Well written code should handle exceptions when calling any DepthAI apis to handle hardware events and multithreaded use.

void close()

Closes the queue and the underlying thread

void setBlocking(bool blocking)

Sets queue behavior when full (maxSize)

  • blocking: Specifies if block or overwrite the oldest message in the queue

bool getBlocking() const

Gets current queue behavior when full (maxSize)


True if blocking, false otherwise

void setMaxSize(unsigned int maxSize)

Sets queue maximum size

  • maxSize: Specifies maximum number of messages in the queue

unsigned int getMaxSize() const

Gets queue maximum size


Maximum queue size

std::string getName() const

Gets queues name


Queue name

CallbackId addCallback(std::function<void(std::string, std::shared_ptr<ADatatype>)>)

Adds a callback on message received


Callback id

  • callback: Callback function with queue name and message pointer

CallbackId addCallback(std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<ADatatype>)>)

Adds a callback on message received


Callback id

  • callback: Callback function with message pointer

CallbackId addCallback(std::function<void()> callback)

Adds a callback on message received


Callback id

  • callback: Callback function without any parameters

bool removeCallback(CallbackId callbackId)

Removes a callback


True if callback was removed, false otherwise

  • callbackId: Id of callback to be removed

template<class T>
bool has()

Check whether front of the queue has message of type T


True if queue isn’t empty and the first element is of type T, false otherwise

bool has()

Check whether front of the queue has a message (isn’t empty)


True if queue isn’t empty, false otherwise

template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<T> tryGet()

Try to retrieve message T from queue. If message isn’t of type T it returns nullptr


Message of type T or nullptr if no message available

std::shared_ptr<ADatatype> tryGet()

Try to retrieve message from queue. If no message available, return immediately with nullptr


Message or nullptr if no message available

template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<T> get()

Block until a message is available.


Message of type T or nullptr if no message available

std::shared_ptr<ADatatype> get()

Block until a message is available.


Message or nullptr if no message available

template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<T> front()

Gets first message in the queue.


Message of type T or nullptr if no message available

std::shared_ptr<ADatatype> front()

Gets first message in the queue.


Message or nullptr if no message available

template<class T, typename Rep, typename Period>
std::shared_ptr<T> get(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> timeout, bool &hasTimedout)

Block until a message is available with a timeout.


Message of type T otherwise nullptr if message isn’t type T or timeout occurred

  • timeout: Duration for which the function should block

  • [out] hasTimedout: Outputs true if timeout occurred, false otherwise

template<typename Rep, typename Period>
std::shared_ptr<ADatatype> get(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> timeout, bool &hasTimedout)

Block until a message is available with a timeout.


Message of type T otherwise nullptr if message isn’t type T or timeout occurred

  • timeout: Duration for which the function should block

  • [out] hasTimedout: Outputs true if timeout occurred, false otherwise

template<class T>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>> tryGetAll()

Try to retrieve all messages in the queue.


Vector of messages which can either be of type T or nullptr

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ADatatype>> tryGetAll()

Try to retrieve all messages in the queue.


Vector of messages

template<class T>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>> getAll()

Block until at least one message in the queue. Then return all messages from the queue.


Vector of messages which can either be of type T or nullptr

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ADatatype>> getAll()

Block until at least one message in the queue. Then return all messages from the queue.


Vector of messages

template<class T, typename Rep, typename Period>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>> getAll(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> timeout, bool &hasTimedout)

Block for maximum timeout duration. Then return all messages from the queue.


Vector of messages which can either be of type T or nullptr

  • timeout: Maximum duration to block

  • [out] hasTimedout: Outputs true if timeout occurred, false otherwise

template<typename Rep, typename Period>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ADatatype>> getAll(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> timeout, bool &hasTimedout)

Block for maximum timeout duration. Then return all messages from the queue.


Vector of messages

  • timeout: Maximum duration to block

  • [out] hasTimedout: Outputs true if timeout occurred, false otherwise

struct DetectionNetworkProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<NeuralNetworkProperties, DetectionNetworkProperties>
#include <DetectionNetworkProperties.hpp>

Specify properties for DetectionNetwork

Subclassed by dai::PropertiesSerializable< DetectionNetworkProperties, SpatialDetectionNetworkProperties >

struct DetectionParserOptions
#include <DetectionParserOptions.hpp>


Specifies how to parse output of detection networks

Public Members

DetectionNetworkType nnFamily

Generic Neural Network properties.

int classes

YOLO specific network properties.

struct DetectionParserProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<Properties, DetectionParserProperties>
#include <DetectionParserProperties.hpp>

Specify properties for DetectionParser

Public Members

int numFramesPool = 8

Num frames in output pool.

std::unordered_map<std::string, TensorInfo> networkInputs

Network inputs.

DetectionParserOptions parser

Options for parser.

class Device : public dai::DeviceBase
#include <Device.hpp>

Represents the DepthAI device with the methods to interact with it. Implements the host-side queues to connect with XLinkIn and XLinkOut nodes

Public Functions

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • usb2Mode: (bool) Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: (bool) Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

Device(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware


Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

~Device() override

dtor to close the device

std::shared_ptr<DataOutputQueue> getOutputQueue(const std::string &name)

Gets an output queue corresponding to stream name. If it doesn’t exist it throws


Smart pointer to DataOutputQueue

  • name: Queue/stream name, created by XLinkOut node

std::shared_ptr<DataOutputQueue> getOutputQueue(const std::string &name, unsigned int maxSize, bool blocking = true)

Gets a queue corresponding to stream name, if it exists, otherwise it throws. Also sets queue options


Smart pointer to DataOutputQueue

  • name: Queue/stream name, set in XLinkOut node

  • maxSize: Maximum number of messages in queue

  • blocking: Queue behavior once full. True specifies blocking and false overwriting of oldest messages. Default: true

std::vector<std::string> getOutputQueueNames() const

Get all available output queue names


Vector of output queue names

std::shared_ptr<DataInputQueue> getInputQueue(const std::string &name)

Gets an input queue corresponding to stream name. If it doesn’t exist it throws


Smart pointer to DataInputQueue

  • name: Queue/stream name, set in XLinkIn node

std::shared_ptr<DataInputQueue> getInputQueue(const std::string &name, unsigned int maxSize, bool blocking = true)

Gets an input queue corresponding to stream name. If it doesn’t exist it throws. Also sets queue options


Smart pointer to DataInputQueue

  • name: Queue/stream name, set in XLinkIn node

  • maxSize: Maximum number of messages in queue

  • blocking: Queue behavior once full. True: blocking, false: overwriting of oldest messages. Default: true

std::vector<std::string> getInputQueueNames() const

Get all available input queue names


Vector of input queue names

std::vector<std::string> getQueueEvents(const std::vector<std::string> &queueNames, std::size_t maxNumEvents = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(), std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until any of specified queues has received a message


Names of queues which received messages first

  • queueNames: Names of queues for which to block

  • maxNumEvents: Maximum number of events to remove from queue - Default is unlimited

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite - Default is -1

std::vector<std::string> getQueueEvents(std::string queueName, std::size_t maxNumEvents = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(), std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until specified queue has received a message


Names of queues which received messages first

  • queueName: Name of queues for which to wait for

  • maxNumEvents: Maximum number of events to remove from queue. Default is unlimited

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

std::vector<std::string> getQueueEvents(std::size_t maxNumEvents = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(), std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until any queue has received a message


Names of queues which received messages first

  • maxNumEvents: Maximum number of events to remove from queue. Default is unlimited

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

std::string getQueueEvent(const std::vector<std::string> &queueNames, std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until any of specified queues has received a message


Queue name which received a message first

  • queueNames: Names of queues for which to wait for

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

std::string getQueueEvent(std::string queueName, std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until specified queue has received a message


Queue name which received a message

  • queueNames: Name of queues for which to wait for

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

std::string getQueueEvent(std::chrono::microseconds timeout = std::chrono::microseconds(-1))

Gets or waits until any queue has received a message


Queue name which received a message

  • timeout: Timeout after which return regardless. If negative then wait is indefinite. Default is -1

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware


Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with.

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

DeviceBase(Config config)

Connects to any available device with custom config.

  • config: Device custom configuration to boot with

DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device ‘devInfo’ with custom config.

  • config: Device custom configuration to boot with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

DeviceBase(const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

DeviceBase(const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(std::string nameOrDeviceId)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • nameOrDeviceId: Creates DeviceInfo with nameOrDeviceId to connect to

DeviceBase(std::string nameOrDeviceId, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • nameOrDeviceId: Creates DeviceInfo with nameOrDeviceId to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(Config config, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(Config config, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(Config config, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd, bool dumpOnly = false)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

  • dumpOnly: If true only the minimal connection is established to retrieve the crash dump

Public Static Attributes

constexpr std::size_t EVENT_QUEUE_MAXIMUM_SIZE = {2048}

Maximum number of elements in event queue.

class DeviceBase
#include <DeviceBase.hpp>

The core of depthai device for RAII, connects to device and maintains watchdog, timesync, …

Subclassed by dai::Device

Public Functions

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(const Pipeline &pipeline, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to be executed on the device

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware


Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with.

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(OpenVINO::Version version, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • version: OpenVINO version which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

DeviceBase(Config config)

Connects to any available device with custom config.

  • config: Device custom configuration to boot with

DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to device ‘devInfo’ with custom config.

  • config: Device custom configuration to boot with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

DeviceBase(const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

DeviceBase(const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(std::string nameOrDeviceId)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • nameOrDeviceId: Creates DeviceInfo with nameOrDeviceId to connect to

DeviceBase(std::string nameOrDeviceId, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout. Uses OpenVINO version OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL

  • nameOrDeviceId: Creates DeviceInfo with nameOrDeviceId to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(Config config, T usb2Mode)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(Config config, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(Config config, const dai::Path &pathToCmd)

Connects to any available device with a DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME timeout.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T usb2Mode)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • usb2Mode: Boot device using USB2 mode firmware

DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, UsbSpeed maxUsbSpeed)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • maxUsbSpeed: Maximum allowed USB speed

DeviceBase(Config config, const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToCmd, bool dumpOnly = false)

Connects to device specified by devInfo.

  • config: Config with which the device will be booted with

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo which specifies which device to connect to

  • pathToCmd: Path to custom device firmware

  • dumpOnly: If true only the minimal connection is established to retrieve the crash dump


Device destructor


In the destructor of the derived class, remember to call close()

tl::optional<Version> getBootloaderVersion()

Gets Bootloader version if it was booted through Bootloader


DeviceBootloader::Version if booted through Bootloader or none otherwise

bool isPipelineRunning()

Checks if devices pipeline is already running


True if running, false otherwise

bool startPipeline()

Starts the execution of the devices pipeline


True if pipeline started, false otherwise

bool startPipeline(const Pipeline &pipeline)

Starts the execution of a given pipeline


True if pipeline started, false otherwise

  • pipeline: OpenVINO version of the pipeline must match the one which the device was booted with.

void setLogLevel(LogLevel level)

Sets the devices logging severity level. This level affects which logs are transferred from device to host.

  • level: Logging severity

LogLevel getLogLevel()

Gets current logging severity level of the device.


Logging severity level

void setXLinkChunkSize(int sizeBytes)

Sets the chunk size for splitting device-sent XLink packets. A larger value could increase performance, and 0 disables chunking. A negative value is ignored. Device defaults are configured per protocol, currently 64*1024 for both USB and Ethernet.

  • sizeBytes: XLink chunk size in bytes

int getXLinkChunkSize()

Gets current XLink chunk size.


XLink chunk size in bytes

void setXLinkRateLimit(int maxRateBytesPerSecond, int burstSize = 0, int waitUs = 0)

Sets the maximum transmission rate for the XLink connection on device side, using a simple token bucket algorithm. Useful for bandwidth throttling

  • maxRateBytesPerSecond: Rate limit in Bytes/second

  • burstSize: Size in Bytes for how much to attempt to send once, 0 = auto

  • waitUs: Time in microseconds to wait for replenishing tokens, 0 = auto

DeviceInfo getDeviceInfo() const

Get the Device Info object o the device which is currently running


DeviceInfo of the current device in execution

std::string getDeviceName()

Get device name if available


device name or empty string if not available

std::string getProductName()

Get product name if available


product name or empty string if not available

std::string getMxId()

Get MxId of device


MxId of connected device

void setLogOutputLevel(LogLevel level)

Sets logging level which decides printing level to standard output. If lower than setLogLevel, no messages will be printed

  • level: Standard output printing severity

LogLevel getLogOutputLevel()

Gets logging level which decides printing level to standard output.


Standard output printing severity

bool setIrLaserDotProjectorBrightness(float mA, int mask = -1)

Sets the brightness of the IR Laser Dot Projector. Limits: up to 765mA at 30% duty cycle, up to 1200mA at 6% duty cycle. The duty cycle is controlled by left camera STROBE, aligned to start of exposure. The emitter is turned off by default


True on success, false if not found or other failure

  • mA: Current in mA that will determine brightness, 0 or negative to turn off

  • mask: Optional mask to modify only Left (0x1) or Right (0x2) sides on OAK-D-Pro-W-DEV

bool setIrFloodLightBrightness(float mA, int mask = -1)

Sets the brightness of the IR Flood Light. Limits: up to 1500mA at 30% duty cycle. The duty cycle is controlled by the left camera STROBE, aligned to start of exposure. If the dot projector is also enabled, its lower duty cycle limits take precedence. The emitter is turned off by default


True on success, false if not found or other failure

  • mA: Current in mA that will determine brightness, 0 or negative to turn off

  • mask: Optional mask to modify only Left (0x1) or Right (0x2) sides on OAK-D-Pro-W-DEV

bool setIrLaserDotProjectorIntensity(float intensity, int mask = -1)

Sets the intensity of the IR Laser Dot Projector. Limits: up to 765mA at 30% frame time duty cycle when exposure time is longer than 30% frame time. Otherwise, duty cycle is 100% of exposure time, with current increased up to max 1200mA to make up for shorter duty cycle. The duty cycle is controlled by left camera STROBE, aligned to start of exposure. The emitter is turned off by default


True on success, false if not found or other failure

  • intensity: Intensity on range 0 to 1, that will determine brightness. 0 or negative to turn off

  • mask: Optional mask to modify only Left (0x1) or Right (0x2) sides on OAK-D-Pro-W-DEV

bool setIrFloodLightIntensity(float intensity, int mask = -1)

Sets the intensity of the IR Flood Light. Limits: Intensity is directly normalized to 0 - 1500mA current. The duty cycle is 30% when exposure time is longer than 30% frame time. Otherwise, duty cycle is 100% of exposure time. The duty cycle is controlled by the left camera STROBE, aligned to start of exposure. The emitter is turned off by default


True on success, false if not found or other failure

  • intensity: Intensity on range 0 to 1, that will determine brightness, 0 or negative to turn off

  • mask: Optional mask to modify only Left (0x1) or Right (0x2) sides on OAK-D-Pro-W-DEV

std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int, int>> getIrDrivers()

Retrieves detected IR laser/LED drivers.


Vector of tuples containing: driver name, I2C bus, I2C address. For OAK-D-Pro it should be [{"LM3644", 2, 0x63}]

dai::CrashDump getCrashDump(bool clearCrashDump = true)

Retrieves crash dump for debugging.

bool hasCrashDump()

Retrieves whether the is crash dump stored on device or not.

ProfilingData getProfilingData()

Get current accumulated profiling data


ProfilingData from the specific device

int addLogCallback(std::function<void(LogMessage)> callback)

Add a callback for device logging. The callback will be called from a separate thread with the LogMessage being passed.


Id which can be used to later remove the callback

  • callback: Callback to call whenever a log message arrives

bool removeLogCallback(int callbackId)

Removes a callback


True if callback was removed, false otherwise

  • callbackId: Id of callback to be removed

void setSystemInformationLoggingRate(float rateHz)

Sets rate of system information logging (“info” severity). Default 1Hz If parameter is less or equal to zero, then system information logging will be disabled

  • rateHz: Logging rate in Hz

float getSystemInformationLoggingRate()

Gets current rate of system information logging (“info” severity) in Hz.


Logging rate in Hz

std::vector<CameraBoardSocket> getConnectedCameras()

Get cameras that are connected to the device


Vector of connected cameras

std::vector<ConnectionInterface> getConnectionInterfaces()

Get connection interfaces for device


Vector of connection type

std::vector<CameraFeatures> getConnectedCameraFeatures()

Get cameras that are connected to the device with their features/properties


Vector of connected camera features

std::vector<StereoPair> getStereoPairs()

Get stereo pairs based on the device type.


Vector of stereo pairs

std::vector<StereoPair> getAvailableStereoPairs()

Get stereo pairs taking into account the calibration and connected cameras.


This method will always return a subset of getStereoPairs.


Vector of stereo pairs

std::unordered_map<CameraBoardSocket, std::string> getCameraSensorNames()

Get sensor names for cameras that are connected to the device


Map/dictionary with camera sensor names, indexed by socket

std::string getConnectedIMU()

Get connected IMU type


IMU type

dai::Version getIMUFirmwareVersion()

Get connected IMU firmware version


IMU firmware version

dai::Version getEmbeddedIMUFirmwareVersion()

Get embedded IMU firmware version to which IMU can be upgraded


Get embedded IMU firmware version to which IMU can be upgraded.

bool startIMUFirmwareUpdate(bool forceUpdate = false)

Starts IMU firmware update asynchronously only if IMU node is not running. If current firmware version is the same as embedded firmware version then it’s no-op. Can be overridden by forceUpdate parameter. State of firmware update can be monitored using getIMUFirmwareUpdateStatus API.


Returns whether firmware update can be started. Returns false if IMU node is started.

  • forceUpdate: Force firmware update or not. Will perform FW update regardless of current version and embedded firmware version.

std::tuple<bool, unsigned int> getIMUFirmwareUpdateStatus()

Get IMU firmware update status


Whether IMU firmware update is done and last firmware update progress as percentage. return value true and 100 means that the update was successful return value true and other than 100 means that the update failed

MemoryInfo getDdrMemoryUsage()

Retrieves current DDR memory information from device


Used, remaining and total ddr memory

MemoryInfo getCmxMemoryUsage()

Retrieves current CMX memory information from device


Used, remaining and total cmx memory

MemoryInfo getLeonCssHeapUsage()

Retrieves current CSS Leon CPU heap information from device


Used, remaining and total heap memory

MemoryInfo getLeonMssHeapUsage()

Retrieves current MSS Leon CPU heap information from device


Used, remaining and total heap memory

ChipTemperature getChipTemperature()

Retrieves current chip temperature as measured by device


Temperature of various onboard sensors

CpuUsage getLeonCssCpuUsage()

Retrieves average CSS Leon CPU usage


Average CPU usage and sampling duration

CpuUsage getLeonMssCpuUsage()

Retrieves average MSS Leon CPU usage


Average CPU usage and sampling duration

bool isEepromAvailable()

Check if EEPROM is available


True if EEPROM is present on board, false otherwise

bool flashCalibration(CalibrationHandler calibrationDataHandler)

Stores the Calibration and Device information to the Device EEPROM


true on successful flash, false on failure


void flashCalibration2(CalibrationHandler calibrationDataHandler)

Stores the Calibration and Device information to the Device EEPROM

  • std::runtime_exception: if failed to flash the calibration


CalibrationHandler readCalibration()

Fetches the EEPROM data from the device and loads it into CalibrationHandler object If no calibration is flashed, it returns default


The CalibrationHandler object containing the calibration currently flashed on device EEPROM

CalibrationHandler readCalibration2()

Fetches the EEPROM data from the device and loads it into CalibrationHandler object


The CalibrationHandler object containing the calibration currently flashed on device EEPROM

  • std::runtime_exception: if no calibration is flashed

CalibrationHandler readCalibrationOrDefault()

Fetches the EEPROM data from the device and loads it into CalibrationHandler object If no calibration is flashed, it returns default


The CalibrationHandler object containing the calibration currently flashed on device EEPROM

void factoryResetCalibration()

Factory reset EEPROM data if factory backup is available.

  • std::runtime_exception: If factory reset was unsuccessful

void flashFactoryCalibration(CalibrationHandler calibrationHandler)

Stores the Calibration and Device information to the Device EEPROM in Factory area To perform this action, correct env variable must be set


True on successful flash, false on failure

  • std::runtime_exception: if failed to flash the calibration

void flashEepromClear()

Destructive action, deletes User area EEPROM contents Requires PROTECTED permissions


True on successful flash, false on failure

  • std::runtime_exception: if failed to flash the calibration

void flashFactoryEepromClear()

Destructive action, deletes Factory area EEPROM contents Requires FACTORY PROTECTED permissions


True on successful flash, false on failure

  • std::runtime_exception: if failed to flash the calibration

CalibrationHandler readFactoryCalibration()

Fetches the EEPROM data from Factory area and loads it into CalibrationHandler object


The CalibrationHandler object containing the calibration currently flashed on device EEPROM in Factory Area

  • std::runtime_exception: if no calibration is flashed

CalibrationHandler readFactoryCalibrationOrDefault()

Fetches the EEPROM data from Factory area and loads it into CalibrationHandler object If no calibration is flashed, it returns default


The CalibrationHandler object containing the calibration currently flashed on device EEPROM in Factory Area

std::vector<std::uint8_t> readCalibrationRaw()

Fetches the raw EEPROM data from User area


Binary dump of User area EEPROM data

  • std::runtime_exception: if any error occurred

std::vector<std::uint8_t> readFactoryCalibrationRaw()

Fetches the raw EEPROM data from Factory area


Binary dump of Factory area EEPROM data

  • std::runtime_exception: if any error occurred

UsbSpeed getUsbSpeed()

Retrieves USB connection speed


USB connection speed of connected device if applicable. Unknown otherwise.

void setTimesync(std::chrono::milliseconds period, int numSamples, bool random)

Configures Timesync service on device. It keeps host and device clocks in sync First time timesync is started it waits until the initial sync is completed Afterwards the function changes the following parameters

  • period: Interval between timesync runs

  • numSamples: Number of timesync samples per run which are used to compute a better value. Set to zero to disable timesync

  • random: If true partial timesync requests will be performed at random intervals, otherwise at fixed intervals

void setTimesync(bool enable)

Enables or disables Timesync service on device. It keeps host and device clocks in sync.

  • enable: Enables or disables consistent timesyncing

void close()

Explicitly closes connection to device.


This function does not need to be explicitly called as destructor closes the device automatically

bool isClosed() const

Is the device already closed (or disconnected)


This function is thread-unsafe and may return outdated incorrect values. It is only meant for use in simple single-threaded code. Well written code should handle exceptions when calling any DepthAI apis to handle hardware events and multithreaded use.

std::shared_ptr<XLinkConnection> getConnection()

Returns underlying XLinkConnection

std::shared_ptr<const XLinkConnection> getConnection() const

Returns underlying XLinkConnection

Public Static Functions

std::chrono::milliseconds getDefaultSearchTime()

Get the Default Search Time for finding devices.


Default search time in milliseconds

std::tuple<bool, DeviceInfo> getAnyAvailableDevice(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)

Waits for any available device with a timeout


Tuple of bool and DeviceInfo. Bool specifies if device was found. DeviceInfo specifies the found device

  • timeout: duration of time to wait for the any device

std::tuple<bool, DeviceInfo> getAnyAvailableDevice()

Gets any available device


Tuple of bool and DeviceInfo. Bool specifies if device was found. DeviceInfo specifies the found device

std::tuple<bool, DeviceInfo> getAnyAvailableDevice(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::function<void()> cb)

Waits for any available device with a timeout


Tuple of bool and DeviceInfo. Bool specifies if device was found. DeviceInfo specifies the found device

  • timeout: duration of time to wait for the any device

  • cb: callback function called between pooling intervals

std::tuple<bool, DeviceInfo> getFirstAvailableDevice(bool skipInvalidDevice = true)

Gets first available device. Device can be either in XLINK_UNBOOTED or XLINK_BOOTLOADER state


Tuple of bool and DeviceInfo. Bool specifies if device was found. DeviceInfo specifies the found device

std::tuple<bool, DeviceInfo> getDeviceByMxId(std::string mxId)

Finds a device by MX ID. Example: 14442C10D13EABCE00


Tuple of bool and DeviceInfo. Bool specifies if device was found. DeviceInfo specifies the found device

  • mxId: MyraidX ID which uniquely specifies a device

std::vector<DeviceInfo> getAllAvailableDevices()

Returns all available devices


Vector of available devices

std::vector<DeviceInfo> getAllConnectedDevices()

Returns information of all connected devices. The devices could be both connectable as well as already connected to devices.


Vector of connected device information

std::vector<std::uint8_t> getEmbeddedDeviceBinary(bool usb2Mode, OpenVINO::Version version = OpenVINO::VERSION_UNIVERSAL)

Gets device firmware binary for a specific OpenVINO version


Firmware binary

  • usb2Mode: USB2 mode firmware

  • version: Version of OpenVINO which firmware will support

std::vector<std::uint8_t> getEmbeddedDeviceBinary(Config config)

Gets device firmware binary for a specific configuration


Firmware binary

  • config: FW with applied configuration

ProfilingData getGlobalProfilingData()

Get current global accumulated profiling data


ProfilingData from all devices

Public Static Attributes

constexpr std::chrono::seconds DEFAULT_SEARCH_TIME = {3}

Default search time for constructors which discover devices.


Default rate at which system information is logged.

constexpr UsbSpeed DEFAULT_USB_SPEED = {UsbSpeed::SUPER}

Default UsbSpeed for device connection.

constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds DEFAULT_TIMESYNC_PERIOD = {5000}

Default Timesync period.


Default Timesync number of samples per sync.

constexpr bool DEFAULT_TIMESYNC_RANDOM = {true}

Default Timesync packet interval randomness.

struct Config
#include <DeviceBase.hpp>

Device specific configuration

class DeviceBootloader
#include <DeviceBootloader.hpp>

Represents the DepthAI bootloader with the methods to interact with it.

Public Functions

DeviceBootloader(const DeviceInfo &devInfo)

Connects to or boots device in bootloader mode depending on devInfo state; flashing not allowed

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo of which to boot or connect to

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, bool> = true>
DeviceBootloader(const DeviceInfo &devInfo, T allowFlashingBootloader)

Connects to or boots device in bootloader mode depending on devInfo state.

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo of which to boot or connect to

  • allowFlashingBootloader: (bool) Set to true to allow flashing the devices bootloader

DeviceBootloader(const DeviceInfo &devInfo, Type type, bool allowFlashingBootloader = false)

Connects to device in bootloader of specified type. Throws if it wasn’t possible. This constructor will automatically boot into specified bootloader type if not already running

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo of which to boot or connect to

  • type: Type of bootloader to boot/connect to.

  • allowFlashingBootloader: Set to true to allow flashing the devices bootloader. Defaults to false

DeviceBootloader(const DeviceInfo &devInfo, const dai::Path &pathToBootloader, bool allowFlashingBootloader = false)

Connects to or boots device in bootloader mode depending on devInfo state with a custom bootloader firmware.

  • devInfo: DeviceInfo of which to boot or connect to

  • pathToBootloader: Custom bootloader firmware to boot

  • allowFlashingBootloader: Set to true to allow flashing the devices bootloader. Defaults to false

DeviceBootloader(std::string nameOrDeviceId, bool allowFlashingBootloader = false)

Connects to device with specified name/device id

  • nameOrDeviceId: Creates DeviceInfo with nameOrDeviceId to connect to

  • allowFlashingBootloader: Set to true to allow flashing the devices bootloader. Defaults to false


Destroy the Device Bootloader object.

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flash(std::function<void(float)> progressCallback, const Pipeline &pipeline, bool compress = false, std::string applicationName = "", Memory memory = Memory::AUTO, bool checkChecksum = false, )

Flashes a given pipeline to the device.

  • progressCallback: Callback that sends back a value between 0..1 which signifies current flashing progress

  • pipeline: Pipeline to flash to the board

  • compress: Compresses application to reduce needed memory size

  • applicationName: Name the application that is flashed

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flash(const Pipeline &pipeline, bool compress = false, std::string applicationName = "", Memory memory = Memory::AUTO, bool checkChecksum = false)

Flashes a given pipeline to the device.

  • pipeline: Pipeline to flash to the board

  • compress: Compresses application to reduce needed memory size

  • applicationName: Optional name the application that is flashed

ApplicationInfo readApplicationInfo(Memory memory)

Reads information about flashed application in specified memory from device

  • memory: Specifies which memory to query

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashDepthaiApplicationPackage(std::function<void(float)> progressCallback, std::vector<uint8_t> package, Memory memory = Memory::AUTO, )

Flashes a specific depthai application package that was generated using createDepthaiApplicationPackage or saveDepthaiApplicationPackage

  • progressCallback: Callback that sends back a value between 0..1 which signifies current flashing progress

  • package: Depthai application package to flash to the board

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashDepthaiApplicationPackage(std::vector<uint8_t> package, Memory memory = Memory::AUTO)

Flashes a specific depthai application package that was generated using createDepthaiApplicationPackage or saveDepthaiApplicationPackage

  • package: Depthai application package to flash to the board

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashClear(Memory memory = Memory::AUTO)

Clears flashed application on the device, by removing SBR boot structure Doesn’t remove fast boot header capability to still boot the application

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashBootloader(std::function<void(float)> progressCallback, const dai::Path &path = {}, )

Flashes bootloader to the current board

  • progressCallback: Callback that sends back a value between 0..1 which signifies current flashing progress

  • path: Optional parameter to custom bootloader to flash

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashBootloader(Memory memory, Type type, std::function<void(float)> progressCallback, const dai::Path &path = {}, )

Flash selected bootloader to the current board

  • memory: Memory to flash

  • type: Bootloader type to flash

  • progressCallback: Callback that sends back a value between 0..1 which signifies current flashing progress

  • path: Optional parameter to custom bootloader to flash

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashUserBootloader(std::function<void(float)> progressCallback, const dai::Path &path = {}, )

Flashes user bootloader to the current board. Available for NETWORK bootloader type

  • progressCallback: Callback that sends back a value between 0..1 which signifies current flashing progress

  • path: Optional parameter to custom bootloader to flash

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashGpioModeBootHeader(Memory memory, int gpioMode)

Flash boot header which boots same as equivalent GPIO mode would

  • gpioMode: GPIO mode equivalent

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashUsbRecoveryBootHeader(Memory memory)

Flash USB recovery boot header. Switches to USB ROM Bootloader

  • memory: Which memory to flash the header to

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashBootHeader(Memory memory, int32_t frequency = -1, int64_t location = -1, int32_t dummyCycles = -1, int64_t offset = -1)

Flash optimized boot header


status as std::tuple<bool, std::string>

  • memory: Which memory to flasht the header to

  • frequency: SPI specific parameter, frequency in MHz

  • location: Target location the header should boot to. Default to location of bootloader

  • dummyCycles: SPI specific parameter

  • offset: Offset in memory to flash the header to. Defaults to offset of boot header

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashFastBootHeader(Memory memory, int32_t frequency = -1, int64_t location = -1, int32_t dummyCycles = -1, int64_t offset = -1)

Flash fast boot header. Application must already be present in flash, or location must be specified manually. Note - Can soft brick your device if firmware location changes.


status as std::tuple<bool, std::string>

  • memory: Which memory to flash the header to

  • frequency: SPI specific parameter, frequency in MHz

  • location: Target location the header should boot to. Default to location of bootloader

  • dummyCycles: SPI specific parameter

  • offset: Offset in memory to flash the header to. Defaults to offset of boot header

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashCustom(Memory memory, size_t offset, const std::vector<uint8_t> &data, std::function<void(float)> progressCb = nullptr)

Flash arbitrary data at custom offset in specified memory

  • memory: Memory to flash

  • offset: Offset at which to flash the given data in bytes

  • progressCallback: Callback that sends back a value between 0..1 which signifies current flashing progress

  • data: Data to flash

std::tuple<bool, std::string> readCustom(Memory memory, size_t offset, size_t size, std::vector<uint8_t> &data, std::function<void(float)> progressCb = nullptr)

Reads arbitrary data at custom offset in specified memory

  • memory: Memory to read

  • offset: Offset at which to read the specified bytes

  • size: Number of bytes to read

  • data: Data to read to. Must be at least ‘size’ number of bytes big

  • progressCallback: Callback that sends back a value between 0..1 which signifies current reading progress

nlohmann::json readConfigData(Memory memory = Memory::AUTO, Type type = Type::AUTO)

Reads configuration data from bootloader


Unstructured configuration data

  • memory: Optional - from which memory to read configuration data

  • type: Optional - from which type of bootloader to read configuration data

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashConfigData(nlohmann::json configData, Memory memory = Memory::AUTO, Type type = Type::AUTO)

Flashes configuration data to bootloader

  • configData: Unstructured configuration data

  • memory: Optional - to which memory flash configuration

  • type: Optional - for which type of bootloader to flash configuration

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashConfigFile(const dai::Path &configPath, Memory memory = Memory::AUTO, Type type = Type::AUTO)

Flashes configuration data to bootloader

  • configPath: Unstructured configuration data

  • memory: Optional - to which memory flash configuration

  • type: Optional - for which type of bootloader to flash configuration

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashConfigClear(Memory memory = Memory::AUTO, Type type = Type::AUTO)

Clears configuration data

  • memory: Optional - on which memory to clear configuration data

  • type: Optional - for which type of bootloader to clear configuration data

Config readConfig(Memory memory = Memory::AUTO, Type type = Type::AUTO)

Reads configuration from bootloader


Configuration structure

  • memory: Optional - from which memory to read configuration

  • type: Optional - from which type of bootloader to read configuration

std::tuple<bool, std::string> flashConfig(const Config &config, Memory memory = Memory::AUTO, Type type = Type::AUTO)

Flashes configuration to bootloader

  • configData: Configuration structure

  • memory: Optional - to which memory flash configuration

  • type: Optional - for which type of bootloader to flash configuration

MemoryInfo getMemoryInfo(Memory memory)

Retrieves information about specified memory

  • memory: Specifies which memory to query

bool isUserBootloaderSupported()

Checks whether User Bootloader is supported with current bootloader


true of User Bootloader is supported, false otherwise

bool isUserBootloader()

Retrieves whether current bootloader is User Bootloader (B out of A/B configuration)

void bootMemory(const std::vector<uint8_t> &fw)

Boots a custom FW in memory

  • fw:

  • A: runtime exception if there are any communication issues

void bootUsbRomBootloader()

Boots into integrated ROM bootloader in USB mode

  • A: runtime exception if there are any communication issues

Version getVersion() const


Version of current running bootloader

tl::optional<Version> getFlashedVersion() const


Version of the bootloader that is flashed on the device. Nullopt when the version could not be retrieved because the device was in X_LINK_UNBOOTED state before booting the bootloader.

bool isEmbeddedVersion() const


True when bootloader was booted using latest bootloader integrated in the library. False when bootloader is already running on the device and just connected to.

Type getType() const


Type of currently connected bootloader

bool isAllowedFlashingBootloader() const


True if allowed to flash bootloader

void close()

Explicitly closes connection to device.


This function does not need to be explicitly called as destructor closes the device automatically

bool isClosed() const

Is the device already closed (or disconnected)


This function is thread-unsafe and may return outdated incorrect values. It is only meant for use in simple single-threaded code. Well written code should handle exceptions when calling any DepthAI apis to handle hardware events and multithreaded use.

Public Static Functions

std::tuple<bool, DeviceInfo> getFirstAvailableDevice()

Searches for connected devices in either UNBOOTED or BOOTLOADER states and returns first available.


Tuple of boolean and DeviceInfo. If found boolean is true and DeviceInfo describes the device. Otherwise false

std::vector<DeviceInfo> getAllAvailableDevices()

Searches for connected devices in either UNBOOTED or BOOTLOADER states.


Vector of all found devices

std::vector<uint8_t> createDepthaiApplicationPackage(const Pipeline &pipeline, const dai::Path &pathToCmd = {}, bool compress = false, std::string applicationName = "", bool checkChecksum = false)

Creates application package which can be flashed to depthai device.


Depthai application package

  • pipeline: Pipeline from which to create the application package

  • pathToCmd: Optional path to custom device firmware

  • compress: Optional boolean which specifies if contents should be compressed

  • applicationName: Optional name the application that is flashed

std::vector<uint8_t> createDepthaiApplicationPackage(const Pipeline &pipeline, bool compress, std::string applicationName = "", bool checkChecksum = false)

Creates application package which can be flashed to depthai device.


Depthai application package

  • pipeline: Pipeline from which to create the application package

  • compress: Specifies if contents should be compressed

  • applicationName: Name the application that is flashed

void saveDepthaiApplicationPackage(const dai::Path &path, const Pipeline &pipeline, const dai::Path &pathToCmd = {}, bool compress = false, std::string applicationName = "", bool checkChecksum = false)

Saves application package to a file which can be flashed to depthai device.

  • path: Path where to save the application package

  • pipeline: Pipeline from which to create the application package

  • pathToCmd: Optional path to custom device firmware

  • compress: Optional boolean which specifies if contents should be compressed

  • applicationName: Optional name the application that is flashed

void saveDepthaiApplicationPackage(const dai::Path &path, const Pipeline &pipeline, bool compress, std::string applicationName = "", bool checkChecksum = false)

Saves application package to a file which can be flashed to depthai device.

  • path: Path where to save the application package

  • pipeline: Pipeline from which to create the application package

  • compress: Specifies if contents should be compressed

  • applicationName: Optional name the application that is flashed

Version getEmbeddedBootloaderVersion()


Embedded bootloader version

std::vector<std::uint8_t> getEmbeddedBootloaderBinary(Type type = DEFAULT_TYPE)


Embedded bootloader binary

Public Static Attributes

constexpr const Type DEFAULT_TYPE = {Type::USB}

Default Bootloader type.

struct ApplicationInfo
struct Config : public dai::bootloader::Config

Public Functions

void setStaticIPv4(std::string ip, std::string mask, std::string gateway)

Setting a static IPv4 won’t start DHCP client.

void setDynamicIPv4(std::string ip, std::string mask, std::string gateway)

Setting a dynamic IPv4 will set that IP as well as start DHCP client.

bool isStaticIPV4()

Get if static IPv4 configuration is set.

std::string getIPv4()

Get IPv4.

std::string getIPv4Mask()

Get IPv4 mask.

std::string getIPv4Gateway()

Get IPv4 gateway.

void setDnsIPv4(std::string dns, std::string dnsAlt = "")

Set IPv4 DNS options.

std::string getDnsIPv4()

Get primary IPv4 DNS server.

std::string getDnsAltIPv4()

Get alternate IPv4 DNS server.

void setUsbTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds ms)

Set USB timeout.

std::chrono::milliseconds getUsbTimeout()

Get USB timeout.

void setNetworkTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds ms)

Set NETWOR timeout.

std::chrono::milliseconds getNetworkTimeout()

Get NETWORK timeout.

void setMacAddress(std::string mac)

Set MAC address if not flashed on controller.

std::string getMacAddress()

Get MAC address if not flashed on controller.

void setUsbMaxSpeed(UsbSpeed speed)

Set maxUsbSpeed.

UsbSpeed getUsbMaxSpeed()

Get maxUsbSpeed.

nlohmann::json toJson() const


Public Static Functions

Config fromJson(nlohmann::json)

from JSON

struct MemoryInfo
struct DeviceInfo
#include <XLinkConnection.hpp>

Describes a connected device

Public Functions

DeviceInfo(std::string mxidOrName)

Creates a DeviceInfo by checking whether supplied parameter is a MXID or IP/USB name

  • mxidOrName: Either MXID, IP Address or USB port name

class EdgeDetectorConfig : public dai::Buffer
#include <EdgeDetectorConfig.hpp>

EdgeDetectorConfig message. Carries sobel edge filter config.

Public Functions


Construct EdgeDetectorConfig message.

void setSobelFilterKernels(const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &horizontalKernel, const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &verticalKernel)

Set sobel filter horizontal and vertical 3x3 kernels

  • horizontalKernel: Used for horizontal gradient computation in 3x3 Sobel filter

  • verticalKernel: Used for vertical gradient computation in 3x3 Sobel filter

EdgeDetectorConfigData getConfigData() const

Retrieve configuration data for EdgeDetector


EdgeDetectorConfigData: sobel filter horizontal and vertical 3x3 kernels

EdgeDetectorConfig &set(dai::RawEdgeDetectorConfig config)

Set explicit configuration.

  • config: Explicit configuration

dai::RawEdgeDetectorConfig get() const

Retrieve configuration data for EdgeDetector.


config for EdgeDetector

struct EdgeDetectorConfigData
#include <RawEdgeDetectorConfig.hpp>

EdgeDetectorConfigData configuration data structure.

Public Members

std::vector<std::vector<int>> sobelFilterHorizontalKernel

Used for horizontal gradient computation in 3x3 Sobel filter Format - 3x3 matrix, 2nd column must be 0 Default - +1 0 -1; +2 0 -2; +1 0 -1

std::vector<std::vector<int>> sobelFilterVerticalKernel

Used for vertical gradient computation in 3x3 Sobel filter Format - 3x3 matrix, 2nd row must be 0 Default - +1 +2 +1; 0 0 0; -1 -2 -1

struct EdgeDetectorProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<Properties, EdgeDetectorProperties>
#include <EdgeDetectorProperties.hpp>

Specify properties for EdgeDetector

Public Members

RawEdgeDetectorConfig initialConfig

Initial edge detector config.

int outputFrameSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024

Maximum output frame size in bytes (eg: 300x300 BGR image -> 300*300*3 bytes)

int numFramesPool = 4

Num frames in output pool.

struct EepromData
#include <EepromData.hpp>

EepromData structure

Contains the Calibration and Board data stored on device

Public Members

uint64_t batchTime = {0}

Deprecated, not used or stored.

struct EepromError : public runtime_error
class EncodedFrame : public dai::Buffer

Public Functions


Construct EncodedFrame message. Timestamp is set to now

unsigned int getInstanceNum() const

Retrieves instance number

std::chrono::microseconds getExposureTime() const

Retrieves exposure time

int getSensitivity() const

Retrieves sensitivity, as an ISO value

int getColorTemperature() const

Retrieves white-balance color temperature of the light source, in kelvins

int getLensPosition() const

Retrieves lens position, range 0..255. Returns -1 if not available

float getLensPositionRaw() const

Retrieves lens position, range 0.0f..1.0f. Returns -1 if not available

unsigned int getQuality() const

Retrieves the encoding quality

unsigned int getBitrate() const

Retrieves the encoding bitrate

bool getLossless() const

Returns true if encoding is lossless (JPEG only)

FrameType getFrameType() const

Retrieves frame type (H26x only)

Profile getProfile() const

Retrieves the encoding profile (JPEG, AVC or HEVC)

EncodedFrame &setTimestamp(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration> tp)

Retrieves image timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

EncodedFrame &setTimestampDevice(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration> tp)

Sets image timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

EncodedFrame &setSequenceNum(int64_t seq)

Specifies sequence number

  • seq: Sequence number

EncodedFrame &setInstanceNum(unsigned int instance)

Instance number relates to the origin of the frame (which camera)

  • instance: Instance number

EncodedFrame &setQuality(unsigned int quality)

Specifies the encoding quality

  • quality: Encoding quality

EncodedFrame &setBitrate(unsigned int bitrate)

Specifies the encoding quality

  • quality: Encoding quality

EncodedFrame &setLossless(bool lossless)

Specifies if encoding is lossless (JPEG only)

  • lossless: True if lossless

EncodedFrame &setFrameType(FrameType type)

Specifies the frame type (H26x only)

  • type: Type of h26x frame (I, P, B)

EncodedFrame &setProfile(Profile profile)

Specifies the encoding profile

  • profile: Encoding profile

struct Extrinsics
#include <Extrinsics.hpp>

Extrinsics structure.

Public Members

Point3f translation

(x, y, z) pose of destCameraSocket w.r.t currentCameraSocket obtained through calibration

Point3f specTranslation

(x, y, z) pose of destCameraSocket w.r.t currentCameraSocket measured through CAD design

class FeatureTrackerConfig : public dai::Buffer
#include <FeatureTrackerConfig.hpp>

FeatureTrackerConfig message. Carries config for feature tracking algorithm

Public Functions


Construct FeatureTrackerConfig message.

FeatureTrackerConfig &setCornerDetector(dai::FeatureTrackerConfig::CornerDetector::Type cornerDetector)

Set corner detector algorithm type.

  • cornerDetector: Corner detector type, HARRIS or SHI_THOMASI

FeatureTrackerConfig &setCornerDetector(dai::FeatureTrackerConfig::CornerDetector config)

Set corner detector full configuration.

  • config: Corner detector configuration

FeatureTrackerConfig &setOpticalFlow()

Set optical flow as motion estimation algorithm type.

FeatureTrackerConfig &setOpticalFlow(dai::FeatureTrackerConfig::MotionEstimator::OpticalFlow config)

Set optical flow full configuration.

  • config: Optical flow configuration

FeatureTrackerConfig &setHwMotionEstimation()

Set hardware accelerated motion estimation using block matching. Faster than optical flow (software implementation) but might not be as accurate.

FeatureTrackerConfig &setNumTargetFeatures(std::int32_t numTargetFeatures)

Set number of target features to detect.

  • numTargetFeatures: Number of features

FeatureTrackerConfig &setMotionEstimator(bool enable)

Enable or disable motion estimator.

  • enable:

FeatureTrackerConfig &setMotionEstimator(dai::FeatureTrackerConfig::MotionEstimator config)

Set motion estimator full configuration.

  • config: Motion estimator configuration

FeatureTrackerConfig &setFeatureMaintainer(bool enable)

Enable or disable feature maintainer.

  • enable:

FeatureTrackerConfig &setFeatureMaintainer(dai::FeatureTrackerConfig::FeatureMaintainer config)

Set feature maintainer full configuration.

  • config: feature maintainer configuration

FeatureTrackerConfig &set(dai::RawFeatureTrackerConfig config)

Set explicit configuration.

  • config: Explicit configuration

dai::RawFeatureTrackerConfig get() const

Retrieve configuration data for FeatureTracker.


config for feature tracking algorithm

struct FeatureTrackerProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<Properties, FeatureTrackerProperties>
#include <FeatureTrackerProperties.hpp>

Specify properties for FeatureTracker

Public Members

RawFeatureTrackerConfig initialConfig

Initial feature tracker config

std::int32_t numShaves = 1

Number of shaves reserved for feature tracking. Optical flow can use 1 or 2 shaves, while for corner detection only 1 is enough. Hardware motion estimation doesn’t require shaves. Maximum 2, minimum 1.

std::int32_t numMemorySlices = 1

Number of memory slices reserved for feature tracking. Optical flow can use 1 or 2 memory slices, while for corner detection only 1 is enough. Maximum number of features depends on the number of allocated memory slices. Hardware motion estimation doesn’t require memory slices. Maximum 2, minimum 1.

struct GlobalProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<Properties, GlobalProperties>
#include <GlobalProperties.hpp>

Specify properties which apply for whole pipeline

Public Members

double leonCssFrequencyHz = 700 * 1000 * 1000

Set frequency of Leon OS - Increasing can improve performance, at the cost of higher power draw

double leonMssFrequencyHz = 700 * 1000 * 1000

Set frequency of Leon RT - Increasing can improve performance, at the cost of higher power draw

tl::optional<dai::EepromData> calibData

Calibration data sent through pipeline

tl::optional<std::uint32_t> cameraTuningBlobSize

Camera tuning blob size in bytes

std::string cameraTuningBlobUri

Uri which points to camera tuning blob

int32_t xlinkChunkSize = -1

Chunk size for splitting device-sent XLink packets, in bytes. A larger value could increase performance, with 0 disabling chunking. A negative value won’t modify the device defaults - configured per protocol, currently 64*1024 for both USB and Ethernet.

uint32_t sippBufferSize = SIPP_BUFFER_DEFAULT_SIZE

SIPP (Signal Image Processing Pipeline) internal memory pool. SIPP is a framework used to schedule HW filters, e.g. ISP, Warp, Median filter etc. Changing the size of this pool is meant for advanced use cases, pushing the limits of the HW. By default memory is allocated in high speed CMX memory. Setting to 0 will allocate in DDR 256 kilobytes. Units are bytes.

uint32_t sippDmaBufferSize = SIPP_DMA_BUFFER_DEFAULT_SIZE

SIPP (Signal Image Processing Pipeline) internal DMA memory pool. SIPP is a framework used to schedule HW filters, e.g. ISP, Warp, Median filter etc. Changing the size of this pool is meant for advanced use cases, pushing the limits of the HW. Memory is allocated in high speed CMX memory Units are bytes.

class ImageAlignConfig : public dai::Buffer
#include <ImageAlignConfig.hpp>

ImageAlignConfig message

Public Functions

ImageAlignConfig &set(dai::RawImageAlignConfig config)

Set explicit configuration.

  • config: Explicit configuration

dai::RawImageAlignConfig get() const

Retrieve configuration data for SpatialLocationCalculator.


config for SpatialLocationCalculator

struct ImageAlignProperties : public dai::PropertiesSerializable<Properties, ImageAlignProperties>
#include <ImageAlignProperties.hpp>

Specify properties for ImageAlign

Public Members

int numFramesPool = 4

Num frames in output pool.

int alignWidth = 0

Optional output width

int alignHeight = 0

Optional output height

std::vector<int> warpHwIds

Warp HW IDs to use, if empty, use auto/default.

Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation::AUTO

Interpolation type to use.

bool outKeepAspectRatio = true

Whether to keep aspect ratio of the input or not

std::int32_t numShaves = 2

Number of shaves reserved.

class ImageManipConfig :